Upper School
Student Handbook
The Upper School Student Handbook is designed to provide general guidance for families and students about current Milton Academy student policies, programs, and other information about the School. This Handbook is a fluid document and Milton Academy reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to amend, delete, or alter any of the contents of this Handbook as necessary. Should significant changes occur during the academic year, they will be communicated to families.
Dear Students,
Milton Academy’s Upper School Student Handbook is intended to help you and your family understand and navigate the academic, extracurricular and social dynamics of our vibrant School. Milton offers a learning environment where students challenge themselves and others to grow; a place where they pursue their passions in the arts, technology, community engagement, and athletics; and a community where diverse identities are explored and celebrated.
This Handbook provides an overview of life at Milton in the Upper School, beginning with general information about the School, followed by detailed information about academic standards and requirements for graduation. It also includes policies and rules to help you thrive outside of the classroom. We expect that all Milton students will act with honesty and integrity; treat others with dignity and respect; maintain a safe and healthy environment; and be positive and cooperative members of the School community; preserving the rights and identities of every member of our School.
Each student and their parents or guardians must read the Upper School Student Handbook every year, whether new or returning to Milton. The School must receive a signed acknowledgement prior to the beginning of each academic year stating that you and your parents or guardians agree to abide by the Handbook. If you have any questions about the Handbook, please reach out to a member of the deans’ office.
José Ruiz
Dean of Students
Heather Sugrue
Academic Dean
Milton Academy cultivates in its students a passion for learning and a respect for others. Embracing diversity and the pursuit of excellence, we create a community in which individuals develop competence, confidence and character. Our active learning environment, in and out of the classroom, develops creative and critical thinkers, unafraid to express their ideas, prepared to seek meaningful lifetime success and to live by our motto, “Dare to be true.”
Milton Academy is an independent college preparatory K–12 school, boarding and day in grades 9–12, located just south of Boston.
History of the School
In 1998, the Milton Academy community celebrated the rich and colorful 200-year history of the school. Milton’s bicentennial marked Milton Academy ’s charter, given in 1798 under the Massachusetts land-grant policy. It bequeathed to the school a responsibility to “open the way for all the people to a higher order of education than the common schools can supply” (Richard Hale, Milton Academy, 1948). Milton Academy was established as a coeducational day school, and preparation for college was the primary goal of the school’s program.
In the early 1900s, reacting to a marked increase in the interest of separate education for young women, Milton Academy was divided into separate schools for men and women. For many years, the Milton Academy Boys’ School and Girls’ School maintained separate faculties, facilities and student bodies. In 1984, Milton returned fully to its coeducational roots.
Facilities, endowment resources, curricular and co-curricular offerings, the size of the faculty and student body, facilities rentals, admissions applications and annual giving – nearly all facets of Milton Academy’s activities, have expanded and become stronger over the last 30 years.
Commitment to Diversity Equity And Inclusion
Nondiscrimination Policy
Milton Academy admits qualified students of any religion, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national or ethnic origin. ancestry, or mental or physical ability to all the programs and activities generally accorded to made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of religion, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national or ethnic origin. ancestry, mental or physical ability, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its educational policies, admissions, scholarship or loan programs, or athletic and other policies and programs.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Principles and Practice
Diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice are fundamental to a strong community and the fulfillment of Milton Academy’s educational mission. Milton Academy’s students, families, and employees represent a rich tapestry of identities, perspectives, and experiences. The Department of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (the DEIJ) works in partnership with every part of our community to build an inclusive, respectful, and caring school together. Each of the four principles are a part of every student’s learning experience:
- Identity and Belonging
- Empathy and Inquiry
- Perspective Taking
- Action and Leadership
Gender Identity and Expression
Milton Academy recognizes that gender permeates school life, whether a student is a boarding or day student, participates in sports and clubs, or visits the health center. Milton strives to foster an educational environment that is safe and welcoming. Milton believes in acknowledging and accepting the gender identity asserted by each community member.
Every student is entitled to be addressed by the name and the pronoun(s) that they choose that corresponds to their gender identity and expression. All students wishing to make changes to their name or pronouns or requiring additional support should utilize the Gender Support Plan (GSP) form or directly consult the counseling office, the health center, the DEIJ (Department of Equity, Inclusion, and Justice), or the office of student life, or any other trusted adult in the community for additional support.
Transgender students have access to facilities that correspond to their gender identity. Students with questions regarding such accommodations should reach out to the counseling office, the health center, the DEIJ office, or the office of student life.
Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying, and Hazing
Milton Academy is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all members of its community; one that is free from harassment, discrimination, bullying and hazing. The school is also committed to clearly and promptly addressing any behavior that is impeding the learning of any student or interfering with the experience of any other member of the school community. The school expects that all members of the school community will treat each other in a civil manner while honoring and respecting all the differences that exist within our community.
General School Information
Milton Academy is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, INC.
The Milton Academy board of trustees serves as stewards of the school’s mission. It is the Board’s responsibility to ensure the mission is relevant and vital to the community it serves and to support the school in fulfilling its mission. The Board oversees long term strategy and governance, but is not involved in the daily operational decisions of the school, including and especially with regard to academic, athletic, or disciplinary matters.
School Directory
All Milton students and parents have access to a password-protected online directory of student, faculty and staff names, addresses and other pertinent information. As with all school communications, we expect that this information will be limited to school-related use by members of the school community.
Important Phone Numbers
Milton Academy’s website, www.milton.edu, features a directory with the phone numbers of school employees. During the academic day, you may dial 617-898-1798 to reach the school’s receptionist. Except in an emergency, please do not call faculty members after 9:30 p.m. eastern time.
Other key phone numbers are as follows:
Administrator on Duty Phone: 617-908-0882
Attendance Line: 617-898-2923
Deans’ Office: 617-898-2143
Campus Safety: 617-898-2911
Faulkner Health Center: 617-898-2450
On Call Counselor: 617-898-2470
In addition, each house has a duty phone, which is answered Monday through Friday between 3:30 p.m. and 11 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 11 p.m.
Academy House: 617-467-9270
Forbes House: 617-828-6122
Goodwin House: 781-363-2772
Hallowell House: 617-785-6864
Hathaway House: 781-267-1520
Millet House: 781-588-3997
Norris House: 339-210-9389
Robbins House: 617-908-2481
Wolcott House: 617-839-9001
Holiday Calendar
School is closed for the following holidays and breaks:
October 3, 2024 Rosh Hashanah
October 14, 2024 Indigenous Peoples’ Day
October 21, 2024 No Classes
November 25-December 2, 2024 Fall Break
December 20, 2024–January 3, 2025 Winter Break
January 17, 2025 National Holiday
January 28, 2025 No Classes
January 29, 2025 Lunar New Year
January 30, 2025 No Classes
February 17, 2025 National Holiday
March 17-31, 2025 Spring Break
April 21, 2025 State Holiday
May 26, 2025 National Holiday
Daily Schedule
The school follows a 10-day cycle, with week one being a blue week and week two being orange. Note that a student’s schedule on a blue Friday will not be the same as on an orange Friday. Classes end at 1:10 p.m. on Wednesdays.
1st | 8:05 a.m. | 9:05 a.m. |
1st Extended | 9:05 a.m. | 9:25 a.m. |
2nd | 9:30 a.m. | 10:00 a.m. |
3rd Extended | 10:05 a.m. | 10:25 a.m. |
3rd | 10:25 a.m. | 11:25 a.m. |
4th | 11:30 a.m. | 12:30 p.m.. |
5th | 12:10 p.m. | 1:10 p.m. |
6th | 1:15 p.m. | 2:15 p.m. |
7th | 2:20 p.m. | 3:20 p.m. |
Notifying Milton of Contact Information Changes
Families and students should keep their contact information up-to-date in Veracross. Alternatively, all contact information changes may be sent to Milton Academy via mail or email, using the following addresses:
Mail: Address Updates
c/o ATS Department
Milton Academy, 170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 02186
Email: directory_feedback@milton.edu
School Cancellation
If school is canceled or delayed because of weather, students and parents of day students will be contacted via email, phone, and/or text message by approximately 6 a.m. Students and parents should keep their contact information up to date in Veracross. Students and parents may also learn of cancellations or delays by checking the Milton website.
Emergency Communication
To contact Campus Safety in case of emergency, dial 617-898-2911 from any other telephone. Calls to this number will be answered by a Campus Safety officer on patrol 24 hours a day. This line is not secure for confidential conversation. Please give the officer a telephone number where you can be reached, if necessary.
Dial 911 from any campus telephone to reach outside emergency services. If a situation merits a 911 call, please call Milton Academy Campus Safety as well.
In the case of a national, state or local emergency, the School will communicate appropriately with parents through email and website announcements. The School will notify local radio and television outlets; those stations often refer audiences to their respective websites. The School will also use the Milton Academy Campus Emergency Notification system, which includes indoor and outdoor speakers, text messaging and email, notifying faculty and students immediately in the event of an emergency. This communication will be followed with updates posted on www.milton.edu. If warranted, additional information will be communicated to parents through email.
In the event of a national, state or local emergency, family and friends should not call the Campus Safety extension, as that line should be kept available for on-campus communication.
Incidental Accounts (IA)
Each student has an incidental account (IA), which is used to charge tuition and miscellaneous expenses, including purchases from the campus bookstore and snack bar. Students use their IDs to make charges. Monthly statements are available online and should be reviewed and paid promptly.
Parents may set limits on IA charges in the bookstore and the snack bar. To place limits on bookstore purchases, parents should contact the bookstore directly at 617-898-2110. To limit snack bar purchases, parents should contact dining services directly at 617-898-2350.
Boarding students are urged not to keep large sums of money in their possession. The business office handles accounts from which a boarding student may withdraw a weekly allowance in the amount decided upon by the parents. A check must be deposited into this account before students may withdraw from it. Allowances may be picked up in the business office on Fridays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. The business office will also cash personal checks up to $75.
The bookstore is located in the lower level of Warren Hall. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with extended hours during the opening of school. The bookstore stocks all required textbooks (new, used, and some rental) as well as a variety of school supplies, health and beauty aids, Milton clothing, gift items and sundries.
The bookstore allows students the ability to charge materials purchased in the bookstore to their IA, giving students the opportunity to purchase books and supplies without the need to carry cash. The bookstore also accepts cash and debit or credit cards as forms of payment. Fees for unreturned rentals will be charged to students’ IAs.
The bookstore provides a textbook buyback program at the end of the academic year through which students may sell their unwanted textbooks back to the store and receive a credit on their IA account.
Letters to boarding students should be sent to Milton Academy, c/o the student’s dorm, 170 Centre Street, Milton, MA 02186. Packages to boarding students should be sent to Milton Academy, c/o Facilities Department, 325 Randolph Avenue, Milton, MA 02186. Students receive an email notice when a package arrives. The facilities building is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for package pick-up and can be reached at 617-898-2416.
During the summer months, the mail for returning students will be held until students return.
Town of Milton Cemetery
The Town of Milton Cemetery is off limits for Milton Academy students unless they are there under the supervision of an adult. Violation of this rule may result in disciplinary action.
Expectations for Students
Milton prides itself on the breadth and rigor of its academic program. The school expects students to be challenged and sometimes uncertain. To us, the process of the work is as important as the product. In and out of class, taking risks and hazarding conjectures, students should push themselves to learn. Teachers from all departments agree that the following behaviors and attitudes enable our students to achieve success in their classes.
Be Ready
Students must come to class with homework thoroughly and thoughtfully completed. If the assignment involves reading, they should underline or take notes, and come prepared with observations and questions. In written work, even wrong answers can help students and their teachers figure out where thinking went astray.
Students must bring all required materials to class: charged laptop, paper, textbooks, assignment book, writing tools and notebooks; have them ready when class begins.
Students should have a device that meets requirements when the school year begins. While faculty will set course-level expectations for laptop use, all students are expected to have their laptops charged and ready each day. Questions about hardware and software should be directed to Academy Technology Services (ATS).
Students should be engaged: they should take notes, listen respectfully, volunteer answers, ask questions, challenge assumptions. Articulating and exchanging ideas leads to deeper understanding, as well as connections with classmates and the material.
Teachers are partners in courses and student success is their goal. They are eager to help students learn and expect that students will seek them out for extra help if needed. Teachers view these requests as a mark of maturity and intelligence: a sign that students care about their learning. Students should feel free to talk to their teachers when they are feeling confused or overwhelmed.
Students who start the year by following this advice will be well on their way to a year of intellectual engagement and success.
Academic Integrity
It is the school’s expectation that students will uphold academic integrity standards set forth in the Scholarship and Academic Integrity pamphlet to ensure that their completed assignments reflect their own work. The policy includes information from all academic departments to avoid integrity violations, such as plagiarism, and will be reviewed with students at the start of each academic year.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Milton is committed to fostering an educational environment where technology enhances learning while preserving the integrity and authenticity of the academic experience. The use of AI tools in the classroom is rapidly evolving, and Milton both recognizes the potential of these tools and the importance of using them responsibly and consistent with our values of academic integrity, as outlined in the Scholarship and Academic Integrity pamphlet. We will continue to review and update these guidelines and expectations as the AI landscape develops.
*Note that this language was refined with input from ChatGPT.
Diploma Course Load Requirements
Students entering the Upper School in Class IV must earn a minimum of 18 credits. Students entering the Upper School in Class III must earn at least 13 credits, and students entering the Upper School in Class II must earn at least nine credits. A student earns a full credit by passing a full course, and a half credit by passing a half or semester course. A student can earn the correct number of credits by taking a combination of full and half courses that meet all year long and semester courses that meet for one semester. The typical course load for an Upper School student is five credits. A student must carry at least four credits at all times and may never carry more than five and one half credits.
Please refer to the Milton Academy Course Catalogue for detailed descriptions of all courses and their prerequisites.
Required Courses
Each student must pass the following:
- English through Class I
- Mathematics through Proof & Problem Solving and Algebraic Concepts
- A course in foreign language (ancient or modern) through Level 3 or Level 2/3
- Two history courses: World History: Challenges & Changemakers and United States History. Students may also meet the history requirement by taking the two-year course, The United States in the Modern World 1 & 2, which they may begin in Class III or II. (Please see the Milton Academy Course Catalogue for more specific information.)
- Two full-year laboratory sciences: a full year of either physics or chemistry and a full year of biology. The department strongly recommends the full sequence of physics, chemistry and biology.
- One arts program course to be taken in Classes I-III (only for students entering before Class II)
- Non-credit courses in health, project adventure, music, performing arts and visual arts in Class IV
- One non-credit, graded course, Current Events/Public Speaking, normally taken in Class III
Physical Education
All students must participate in physical education while at Milton. Students may complete this requirement by participating in one of three options: physical education courses, interscholastic athletics, or intramural sports. For complete details on the physical education requirements, see the Milton Academy Course Catalogue.
Grade Requirements for Promotion and Diploma
Milton Academy works on a letter grade system, A+ through E (failure).
- To be promoted and to be eligible for a diploma, a student must earn a minimum of four academic credits at all times, one of which must be English, and earn grades of C- or better in at least three of those credits.
- A failing grade may be converted to a D- and a D grade may be converted to a C- by summer study approved by the department chair, and by achieving a grade of C- or better on a makeup examination. Grades may be converted only when the faculty votes to grant a student this opportunity and only to meet minimum promotion and diploma requirements. A total of no more than two full course grades (or their equivalent) may be converted.
- A failure in a course beyond what is required for the diploma will be recorded, but will not jeopardize eligibility for a diploma.
- A Class I student who fails to meet the minimum grade standard of a C- at the beginning of the spring senior project period must continue in their courses throughout the senior project period.
Special Cases
- Any student program that will not fulfill the normal course load, distribution or grade requirements must be approved by a vote of the faculty, the advisor having first consulted all departments concerned regarding the request for a waiver.
- A student who takes an additional year must obtain a promotional record at the end of that year and must take courses required for that grade level again.
- If it is determined that a student will be unable to complete the year with a promotional record, that student may be asked to withdraw from the school before the end of the school year.
- A student who finishes Class II with a non-promotional record may continue in the school only if the faculty vote permission for the student either to take an additional year or to make the record promotional by summer work.
- No student will be permitted to enter Class I if the academic record at the beginning of the Class I year would make it impossible for that student to fulfill Milton’s course load requirements or distribution requirements by the end of the Class I year. Such a student would need to withdraw unless granted an additional Class II year by the faculty.
- A Class I student enrolled in courses taken beyond the minimal graduation course load and departmental requirements may petition to have one such course (or one per semester for semester courses) graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis (unsatisfactory includes anything below C-). To make this petition, a Class I student must fill out and collect requisite signatures on a form available in the registrar’s office. To exercise the satisfactory/unsatisfactory option for a full-year course, first-semester course or half course, students must return the completed form to the registrar’s office one week before the mid-semester marking period. To exercise this option for a second-semester course, students must return the completed form to the registrar’s office within two weeks of the beginning of the second semester.
Academic Warning
Academic warning is an intermediate status between academic probation and good standing. Students on academic warning are normally required to meet the same study hall requirements as those on academic probation and may face additional requirements determined by the academic dean. If they do not qualify for academic probation, students earning an E in any course are automatically placed on academic warning. Expulsions appear on a student’s transcript.
Academic Probation
- A student will be placed on academic probation if a review of mid-semester or semester grades and comments indicate that the student has:
- a non-promotional record (A student who has not earned three or more grades of C- or better in three full courses or their equivalent will be automatically placed on academic probation.)
- a minimally promotional record (The class deans and academic dean have responsibility for identifying those students to be placed on academic probation.)
- A student will remain on probation until at least the end of the next marking period. A satisfactory improvement in performance and/or effort will warrant removal from academic probation. The student may return to good standing, but if the student’s performance is still of concern to the academic dean and the student’s class deans, the student may be placed on academic warning.
- While on probation, a student will be required to study in a supervised space during his or her free periods. This requirement and other restrictions will be imposed at the discretion of the advisor, class dean and academic dean.
- A student who is placed on probation at the end of a marking period and who remains on academic probation for the next two marking periods is ineligible for promotion and will normally be required to withdraw from the school. This regulation will not apply to students in their first two semesters at Milton Academy who may, by faculty vote, make themselves promotional through summer work.
Off Campus Study Programs
Milton students have the opportunity to participate in off-campus programs of varying types. Many students participate in Milton’s exchange programs that are organized by Milton in accordance with our off-campus trip policy. Milton currently sponsors exchange programs in France, China and Spain.
In addition to off-campus exchange programs, Milton provides opportunities for students to spend a semester or year abroad at certain sanctioned programs for which students are eligible to receive academic credit. Currently Milton allows students to participate in and accepts academic credits from programs at School Year Abroad in France, Italy, or Spain, The Mountain School in Vershire, Vermont, and Maine Coast Semester in Chewonki, Maine. All of these programs are independent of Milton Academy’s Upper School and have their own admission policies and procedures.
If a student participates in an off campus program that does not have an official association with Milton Academy, that student’s family is still responsible for paying Milton Academy the normal tuition during the time that the student is away.
Additional Years
Normally students do not take additional years in the Upper School. The usual pattern for students is to progress from one grade level to the next, until graduation. Occasionally the faculty will vote to require that a student take an additional year in order to give that student a second opportunity to earn a promotional record. Occasionally families will request that the School allow a student to take an additional year. Requests could arise for myriad reasons, including illness, social or academic maturity, or emotional or physical development. Each case will be considered on its own merits.
In order to respond to such requests from families, the academic dean will chair a standing committee which will consider the circumstances leading to the request, and gather information from the student’s current teachers, advisor, dean of students, house head (if a boarder), class deans, and other adults who have worked with the student. Once the committee has gathered the information, it will make a recommendation to the faculty about the request. The faculty will then determine, by majority vote, whether to grant the request.
Requests for an additional year should be brought to the committee as early in the academic year as possible, and normally no later than March 1st.
Academics Support
Academic Technology Services
Academy Technology Services (ATS), located in the lower level of Warren Hall, provides students with assistance connecting to the school’s network and printing resources, and will attempt to perform minor or routine computer repairs on student computers. There is a laser printer in each house common room, and multi-function copy/print devices are located in Cox Library and in all academic buildings.
Students may print to any campus printer provided they are permitted in the space in which it is housed. Students use their school ID card to retrieve material at a printer (or printer/copier).
Student-Teacher Conference Session
Conference sessions with teachers can be scheduled during free periods or after school. These sessions may be required for students whose work is unsatisfactory or who have been absent for an extended period.
Cox Library
Cox Library provides an extensive range of resources for the Upper and Middle School. In addition to books, newspapers and periodicals, resources include a rich collection of subscription databases and carefully selected Internet resources. These resources, including library hours, are available through the library website, which is accessible to students on and off campus. In addition to offering an appropriate environment for study, research and quiet readings, the library has comfortable seating and tables for more collaborative activities and hosts a relaxation station/crafts bar, with crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, board games. The library does not charge fines for overdue books; however, borrowers must pay for lost books. There are two photocopiers available for student use.
Students are expected to abide by the librarians’ rules about quiet areas and bringing food and beverages into the library. Snack food is allowed on the first floor, while covered beverages are allowed everywhere.
Academic Skills Center
Teachers expect students who are experiencing academic difficulty to meet with them outside of class. Normally, a teacher can provide up to one extra help session every week with a particular student. Students requiring a greater level of assistance should meet with the director of academic support in the Academic Skills Center. The staff of the Academic Skills Center helps students with organization, study skills and time management.
If a student needs long-term individualized tutoring, the director of academic support can assist in making arrangements for this kind of support. Families bear the expense for such tutoring and must inform the director of academic support in advance of work beginning with a tutor.The academic dean can also assist parents or advisors interested in tutoring for a student.
Peer Support
Milton Academy’s peer tutoring program pairs students in Class I or II with younger students seeking academic support in a variety of subjects. Peer tutors apply for the program and are accepted on the basis of teacher recommendations and exemplary progress in the chosen curricular areas. Peer tutoring sessions are customized to meet the individual student’s academic needs and are conducted throughout the school day, in the evenings, and on weekends.
Disability Based Academic Evaluations and Accommodations
Milton Academy strives to foster an environment of equity and inclusion. The school seeks to partner with families of students with visible and invisible disabilities to identify barriers and implement plans for access. The Director of Academic Support is available to consult with families regarding students’ academic experience and progress, developmental issues, and referrals to outside supports.
Some students may benefit from disability-based academic accommodations. The Director of Academic Support will review any educational testing documentation conducted by a qualified evaluator. The director can provide families with information about seeking a free psychoeducational evaluation through their zoned public school, as well as certified evaluators in the Boston area who conduct private neuropsychological evaluations. Appropriate accommodations depend on the individual disability and will be narrowly tailored to meet an individual’s disability-based needs. Students requesting accommodations must present appropriate documentation to the Director of Academic Support, which assists the director and support personnel in understanding the extent to which a disability may impact a student and their learning and allows these personnel to make consistent, informed decisions regarding accommodations.
Disability-based academic accommodations are those accommodations necessary to ensure that a student with a documented disability can best access Milton Academy’s programs and services. Please note that Milton Academy has no obligation to provide accommodations that the school determines are unnecessary or unreasonable; constitute an undue burden; or fundamentally alter the nature of the school’s academic program.
If the Director of Academic Support determines that accommodations are warranted, they will develop a written set of recommendations, typically referred to as an Individualized Learning Guide (ILG). Parents and students will have a chance to review and approve the ILG and consent to it being shared prior to implementation with those Milton faculty and staff members needed for its successful implementation. ILGs are not part of a student’s academic record and are kept confidential in the Academic Skills Center.
The Director of Academic Support must receive documentation in support of a new request for disability-based accommodations on semester exams at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the exam period.
Homework Expectations
Full-year courses may expect 4.5 to 5.5 hours per week of student learning time, including time spent in class. Class IV students may expect a maximum of 4.5 hours per week, including class time. Therefore, homework assignments should average 30 minutes in preparation for each class meeting for Class IV students and 30 to 45 minutes in preparation for each class meeting for students in Classes I–III. Department chairs are responsible for ensuring that members of their departments give assignments that can be reasonably completed within these time guidelines. Teachers will provide weekly pacing guides, and are urged to provide students with assignments two or three weeks in advance whenever possible.
Advance notice is particularly important for long papers or major tests. Students will find all course assignments in Schoology; weekly pacing guides must be posted at least 24 hours prior to the first assignment being due. Teachers do not assign homework over vacations or specified long weekends.
Late and Incomplete Work
Students are expected to complete all assignments on time. If circumstances prevent that, a student may petition a teacher for an extension until a specified date (to be determined by the teacher and student). Under most circumstances extensions are granted only to students who make the request before the assignment’s due date. Excused absences, such as for illness, are acceptable reasons for handing in late work.
Students are expected to complete all work by the end of each semester. If, at the end of the course (semester or year), a student has not submitted assignments valued at more than 10 percent of the semester grade or considered by the department to be work integral to the completion of the course, the teacher will give the student an incomplete.
Such work must be completed one week after the end of the semester. Exceptions to this deadline must be adjudicated by the academic advisory group which includes the academic dean, dean of students, director of counseling, director of the Academic Skills Center and appropriate department chair. Under normal circumstances, a course grade of incomplete may not stand beyond the one-week deadline, at which time it will be converted to an E.
Any incomplete work valued at less than 10 percent of the semester grade may, at the teacher’s discretion, be assigned a grade of zero (0). The teacher may require that the work be made up, but no additional credit may be given.
Class I students who have not completed academic work necessary for the granting of their diploma by noon on the day before Graduation will not be given incompletes. If this policy interferes with their completing a requirement, or requirements, necessary for Graduation, Class I students may appeal, at that time, for a delayed diploma, which requires a vote of the faculty.
Changes in a Student’s Academic Program
Changes should only take place when a student is in a clearly unsuitable course. A student seeking a change must have their advisor, relevant teachers, and relevant department chairs sign a “Request for Change of Program” form, available in the Registrar’s Office. Ultimate approval for a change must be given by the academic dean or the registrar. During the first few days of school, the Registrar’s Office will prioritize making level changes for new students.
A student may switch levels in a particular subject no later than one week before interim grades are due without a record of the initial level appearing on the student’s transcript. The transcript will only indicate the level of the subject into which the student changed and the year-end grade for that level. If a student switches levels after this point, the student’s transcript will indicate the grade in both the higher level and the lower level of the subject, with the date noted when the level change took place. Exceptions to this policy will be made by department vote, after consulting the academic dean. If a Class I student applying early to a college has changed levels in a course, no grade will appear on the transcript for the new course until the teacher has enough graded material to make a fair assessment. “Level” refers both to different “years” of a course, for example, Latin 3 and Latin 2, and to course alternatives offered within the same “year,” for example, Honors Chemistry and Chemistry.
A student may enter a new course after the first two weeks of the semester only in unusual circumstances and only with the explicit approval of both the relevant department chair and teacher.
Class I students may not drop full, half, or first-semester courses after interim grades are due. Exceptions to this policy will be considered only under unusual circumstances and only with full disclosure to and approval from colleges. In these exceptional cases, the student’s grade at the time the course is dropped will appear on the students’ transcript.
All courses taken at Milton Academy, whether assigned a letter grade or graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis, shall be recorded on the student’s transcript. Exceptions are health, physical education, Current Events and Public Speaking and Class IV arts. For Class IV students, the transcript will show Class IV courses and credit received, but no grades will be recorded for those classes.
Independent School League
Milton Academy is a member of the Independent School League (ISL). The School is proud of the behavior and sportsmanship displayed by its players, coaches and fans.
Independent School League Sportsmanship Creed
The ISL values spirited and fair play as well as positive support for our players and teams. In order to ensure that our expected level of decorum continues each season and at each game, we ask that all members of the ISL community continually review their efforts to abide by the ideals of our league.
Independent School League Athletic Competition Ideals
Players shall at all times represent themselves and their School with honor, proper conduct and sportsmanship. They shall understand that competitive rivalries are encouraged but that disrespect for opponents is unsportsmanlike and lessens the value of the rivalries. They shall confine the competitiveness of the game to the field, and, in particular, behave properly on the sidelines and in the locker rooms both before and after games.
The Players
Players shall comply fully with the rulings of the officials. In no way, either by voice, action or gesture, shall they demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the decisions made. Players must never forget that they represent their School.
The Spectators
Milton Academy supports the following policy: ISL schools will not tolerate any spectator, either student or adult, whose behavior is disrespectful toward players, officials, coaches or other spectators. Nor will they permit any type of spectator behavior that detracts from the proper conduct of the game or disadvantages a player or team. Some examples of unacceptable behavior during competition under guidelines of the ISL Heads’ and Athletic Directors’ Committee:
- Use of profanity or displays of anger that draw attention away from the game
- Booing or heckling an official’s decisions, criticizing officials in any way, or displaying a temper with an official’s call
- Trash-talk or yells that antagonize opponents
- Verbal abuse or intimidation tactics
- Disrespectful or derogatory yells, chants, songs, gestures, signs, posters or banners
- Any distracting activity such as yelling, waving arms or foot-stomping during an opponent’s free-throw attempts
- Use of artificial noisemakers of any kind (Legitimate pep bands, however, are encouraged.)
These guidelines apply equally to players, coaches and fans. The ISL asks officials to apply these guidelines strictly, especially with regard to players and coaches.
School Policies And Procedures
Attendance Policy
Regular class attendance is integral to Milton students’ work. Students understand material better after listening to teachers’ explanations, and they can refine their thinking after articulating their ideas in a discussion. These benefits boost performance on written assignments. In addition, student engagement enhances the communal experience shared by all members of a class. A student’s absence therefore diminishes the individual’s and the group’s educational experience. However, there are several valid reasons that may arise for missing class, including illness, family emergencies, and extraordinary opportunities.
Attendance Procedures for Specific Situations
Absences must be reported directly to the Deans’ Office, which is solely responsible for maintaining student attendance records. Notifying teachers is not necessary but a welcome courtesy.
- Illness and family emergencies: When a student is absent because of illness or family emergency, parents must login to Veracross, which is accessible from the Milton Academy website, under “Parents”. On the home page, on the right side under “Portal Links,” families should select “Report an Absence”. Parents should report an absence on each day a student may be out. If the student arrives after the academic day has begun, they must check in at the deans’ office before going to class or other commitments. Students excused from classes for a short-term illness or other appointment are expected to get their assignments in Schoology. A day student who is in school but feeling unwell may miss class or other formal school obligations only if excused by a member of the Faulkner Health Center or Counseling Center staff. Boarding students must go to the Faulkner Health Center or the Counseling Center during the academic day if they are feeling unwell. If a student is absent because of illness for an extended period of time or needs to miss school for a medical procedure, parents should also contact the Faulkner Health Center or the Counseling Center, whichever is appropriate, so that the school can provide the appropriate support during and after the absence. For more information about medical leaves and in-house medical support, please refer to the Medical Leave section under Health and Wellness.
- Medical appointments: The school encourages parents to arrange appointments outside of school hours whenever possible. If a student has a medical appointment during the academic day, parents should login to Veracross. On the home page, on the right side under “Portal Links” families should select “Report an Absence” and note both the time of dismissal and when the student is expected to return. Students should check in at the deans’ office upon arrival to campus, and provide a doctor’s note in order to be excused from class.
- College visits: Class I students are allowed two days in the fall to visit colleges, and two days in the spring to visit colleges they are considering seriously. Class II students may utilize a special absence (see below) for college visits, but may not exceed a maximum of five missed days for the year.
- Requests for a special absence: A student who wishes to miss one day or part of a day of classes for reasons other than a scheduled appointment or college visit must have a parent or guardian login to Veracross. On the home page, on the right side under “Portal Links”, families should select “Report an Absence” and include the details of the impending absence. If a student wishes to miss more than a single day of school because of an extraordinary opportunity, the academic dean will provide tentative approval for that request only if it meets the following criteria:
- The reason must be compelling, in the judgment of the academic dean. Please note that family trips planned outside of Milton’s vacation schedule do not, except in the most extreme circumstances, meet this standard.
- The student must be in good academic standing.
- The student must have a solid attendance record.
- The student should not, under normal circumstances, request more than five special absence days during the year.
- The student should not, under normal circumstances, miss more than three consecutive school days for a special absence.
If these conditions have been met, a student has the following responsibilities:
a. Teachers will need a chance to register concerns with the academic dean. These conversations may result in a tentative permission being withdrawn. As part of the communication process, the student must obtain signatures well in advance on the special absence form from each teacher, the advisor and the class dean if a day student, and house head if a boarding student. The academic dean’s tentative permission becomes final when the form has been completed and returns the special absence form to the deans’ office assistant.
b. The student must complete homework or graded exercise agreements as agreed upon with their teachers. The student must arrange for a fellow student to take class notes for missed classes. Many students find it helpful to arrange a meeting to review completed work with a teacher upon their return.
- Assessment week: Special absences will not be granted during this period, except in the case of personal or family difficulties. Please note that weather cancellations may require changes in the exam schedule.
- Dismissal for school vacations: The school does not excuse absences for early vacation departures except in unusual circumstances. Families should book travel reservations well in advance and schedule departures to occur several hours after the last class. For the fall, winter, and spring breaks, the houses will close at 11 p.m. the night that classes end. Students departing by plane before 8 a.m. the following morning may make arrangements through the Deans’ Office to remain on campus.
- Last week of school through Graduation: Special absences will not be granted except in cases of personal or family difficulties. The houses close at 3 p.m. on Graduation day.
Minimum Attendance Policy
Once a student has missed the equivalent of three weeks of a full course or half course, or the equivalent of a week and a half of a semester course, the academic advisory group (composed of relevant department chairs) will be informed by the academic dean. The academic advisory group may invoke a sanction or sanctions. Some possible sanctions include:
- additional communication with specified adults to monitor the difficulties that prompted class absences.
- loss of privileges, such as the privilege of missing class for an extraordinary opportunity.
- loss of credit for the course.
All absences are included in the count for the purposes of this policy, except:
- absences for religious holidays.
- absences because of administrative leave.
- absences because of full medical leave. According to the medical leave policy, when a student has been on a full medical leave for four weeks, the academic advisory group meets to consider whether that student can receive credit for the year.
Unexcused Absences and Lates
Student engagement enhances the communal experience shared by all members of a class. A student’s absence therefore diminishes the individual’s and the group’s educational experience. Students and advisors will be notified when a teacher has submitted a class late or absence report. They will have the opportunity to ensure that absences are properly recorded. The responses for lates and unexcused class absences per semester are listed below.
Prompt arrival by all members to class enables the communal experience of learning to begin in time and maximize the time allotted. A student’s lateness therefore diminishes the individual’s and the group’s educational experience.
Number of unexcused class lates (per semester) |
Response |
3 | Discussion with advisor |
4 | Discussion with advisor |
5 | Meeting with advisor, documented in email; one hour of detention |
6 | Meeting with class dean and advisor; one hour of detention |
7 | Meeting with academic dean and advisor; one hour of detention; letter home to parents |
8 | Appearance before Discipline Committee |
The School recognizes that day students often face an unpredictable commute, and the School therefore has an accounting system for day students’ first period lates. If the day student accrues enough lates for “a discussion with their advisor,” during that discussion the advisor will check to see how many of those lates occurred during first period and let the Deans’ office know how many lates can be cleared. Each day student has up to five first period late clearances a semester.
Student engagement enhances the communal experience shared by all members of a class. A student’s absence therefore diminishes the individual’s and the group’s educational experience.
Number of unexcused class absences (per semester) |
Response |
1 | Discussion with advisor |
2 | Discussion with advisor; one hour Friday night detention |
3 | Meeting with advisor, documented in email; three hours Friday night detention (completed within two weeks at most) |
4 | Dean’s Committee with Class Dean and advisor. Documented with letter; three hours Friday night detention (completed within two weeks at most) |
5 |
Meeting with academic dean; six hours Friday night detention (completed within three weeks at most); letter home to parents
6 | Appearance before Discipline Committee |
Class Attendance and Extracurricular Activities Policy
If a student has missed half (or more) of the academic commitments in a single day, they may not participate in athletics or other co-curricular activities that day. In this case, the student should check in with the deans’ office at the end of the academic day. The academic dean may grant exceptions to this rule in the case of college visit days, medical appointments, religious holidays, or other special absences that the dean deems unavoidable.
Required Attendance at Special Events
Students will be required to attend certain special events during the year. Some of these events include the entire Upper School, for example, an evening seminar or Graduation, and some of these events are for specific groups of students, for example, new student programs, and evening seminars. The School will try to notify families well in advance of any such obligation.
Personal Day Policy (Boarding Students Only)
Milton Academy prioritizes the wellbeing of its students and recognizes that students living away from home may need added support when they are struggling to balance their school commitments, high stressors and self-care. To that end, boarding students may approach their house head to request a personal day to address their specific needs.
To request a personal day, a student must have a face-to-face conversation with their house head to discuss the need for a personal day. The house head may grant this accommodation, at their discretion, if the conversation indicates that a personal day is the most appropriate response to the student’s particular circumstances at the time of the request. The conditions below must exist for final approval.
Conditions for Personal Day Approval (Boarding Students Only) |
Personal days are granted between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. |
The student has not already taken a personal day earlier in the semester. Personal days are limited to one per semester. |
The house head has consulted with the appropriate adult in the Faulkner Health Center or Counseling Center if a student has just returned from a medical leave or is receiving in-house medical support. |
The student has no tests or graded exercises scheduled on the date that the personal day has been granted. |
The student and the house head have developed a plan that addresses the student’s workload, time management, and self care needs (including rest/sleep). |
The student’s request is being made during a full week of school and is related to extraordinary circumstances. Personal days cannot be requested before or after a day off from school or an extended absence from school. |
The plan includes a check in during the day with a member of the dorm staff or the student’s advisor. |
Additional Conditions |
A student who is granted a personal day is expected to keep a low profile during the day. They may attend all meals in the dining hall |
A student on a personal day, in accord with the School’s attendance policy, may not participate in sports or extracurricular activities. |
A student on a personal day is not allowed access to academic buildings, including but not limited to, the Arts and Media Center (AMC) or Cox Library. |
Computer and Network Resources Responsible Use Policy
Academy Technology Services (ATS) supports Milton student, faculty and staff access to the school’s computer and network resources. To ensure that these resources are available to all members of the community, and to protect the school’s computer and network systems, all users must agree to and comply with the terms of the Milton Academy Computer and Network Resources Responsible Use Policy. This policy is grounded in the fundamental principle of acting with honesty and integrity, listed in the Standards and Rules section of the Handbook, and reflects the school’s commitment to the open expression of ideas and respect for the ideas and creations of others.
The school’s computer and network resources exist to support educational goals and related activities. All use of computer and network resources must be consistent with these goals and must conform to standards that the school sets for student behavior. Use of network resources, computers, and other devices, whether school-owned or student-owned, may be monitored by the school’s faculty and staff, and there should be no expectation of privacy. Student email accounts, hard drives, network and Google Drive storage, Internet activity and system logs may be searched at any time at the school’s discretion.
For detailed information about network requirements and prohibitions, see the Computer and Network Resources Responsible Use Policy. Please contact the Deans’ Office with any questions.
Cars and Driving Policy
Boarding students are not permitted to have cars on campus, nor may they drive a car to or from campus except when with a parent or guardian. Exceptions to this rule may be made only by the dean of students.
Day students are permitted to drive to and from campus to attend classes, school events and to return home. Students and their parents or guardians are expected to fill out a mandatory Day Student Driving Permission Form. Because driving a vehicle to campus is a privilege, not a right, any student in violation of this policy may lose driving privileges and/or be subject to further discipline.
Day Student Driving Expectations
Day students are required to register their cars with Campus Safety and have a Milton Academy parking sticker on their vehicles. The stickers may be obtained from the Campus Safety office. Cars must be parked in the assigned lots: Class I students will park in the spaces by the ACC; Class II and III students will park in the lot by the swimming pool. Students found in violation of these rules will be reported to the dean of students.
During the academic day, day students may leave campus only with explicit permission from a member of the office of student life. Day students in violation of this policy may lose driving privileges and be subject to additional disciplinary responses.
Day students are reminded that they are not allowed to drive down Campus Road past Wolcott, Robbins and Forbes houses.All drivers must abide by driving laws, including Massachusetts’ junior operator restrictions. Newly-licensed drivers are prohibited from driving with passengers under the age of 18 for the first six months of receiving a junior operator’s license.
Campus Sign In/Out (SISO) Policy
The School prioritizes the safety and well-being of all of its students, both on and off campus, and the campus sign-in/sign-out (SISO) policy is designed to suit the needs of the various age groups. Clear procedures are in place for all students to follow when they leave campus, therefore, the following regulations will be of interest to both parents of day and boarding students.
All students who desire to leave campus must generate a leave request via the REACH online portal or the app. REACH is an online student life management system used to simplify the student sign in/sign out (SISO) process and streamline communication regarding student whereabouts, on and off campus. All students are expected to complete their leave requests using detailed, accurate information about preliminary and eventual destinations and the specific means of transportation. The office of student life, class deans, and house staff have the right and responsibility to deny permission to leave campus if they deem a student’s plans unclear or unsafe.
SISO during the Academic Day
Students may request permission from the office of student life to leave campus before the end of the academic day, (3:20 p.m., Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.; 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday). All students who plan to leave campus during the academic day must have their leave requests approved face-to-face by a member of the office of student life or class dean who will assess the request and review parental permissions on file. Day students, specifically, may ask to leave campus anytime after 1:15 p.m. to return home for the rest of the day provided all their required commitments for the day have been met. If the student receives approval, they may sign out using the REACH kiosk in the office of student life or the app. Any student departing campus with plans to return to campus during the academic day are expected to use REACH to sign in once they return to campus.
SISO after the Academic Day (Boarding Students Only)
Boarding students planning to leave campus after the academic day has ended must meet face-to-face with the on-duty houseparent or the house head for approval. Detailed, accurate information about preliminary and eventual destinations and the specific means of transportation must be provided in their leave request. For example, if a boarding student plans to spend the night at a friend’s home off-campus, but will be going elsewhere first (e.g., a movie, a restaurant, another private home), they must include these details in their request. For visits to private homes, see section on Visiting Private Homes. Once students receive approval for their leave requests, they may then sign out using the REACH online portal or the app.
Leave requests are required anytime a boarding student:
- rides in a car
- visits a private home, including their own
- leaves campus without adult supervision
- leaves campus for any Milton-sponsored evening or weekend activity
- leaves the house beyond the normal house check-in hours (e.g., overnight, weekends, late check-ins)
Once boarding students leave campus, any changes to their travel plans must be discussed by telephone (not via voicemail or other written message) with the on duty houseparent before the change can be approved. Parent hosts of boarding students are not authorized to provide students with permission to change travel plans. Failure to communicate changes in travel plans may be seen as a breach of trust and will be addressed through an in-house response or referred to the office of student life depending on the nature of the infraction.
Weekends and Transportation (Boarding Students Only)
The sign out policy strikes as healthy a balance as possible between encouraging boarding students’ participation in the weekend life of the Milton community and supporting the freedom to explore the Boston area on their own. Milton Academy employees, at their discretion, maintain the right to withhold permission for off-campus travel and overnight stays.
On weekends, Classes I and II boarding students must return to campus by 11 p.m. Class III and Class IV boarding students must return by 9:00 p.m. Class III or IV students may request an exception if they are visiting a private home, the South Shore Plaza, the AMC Braintree 10 Cinema or Showcase Cinema (Randolph location), and who are planning to return by evening check-in at the latest (10 p.m.).
Students may use transportation provided by the school, a parent-driven car, commercial taxis, public transportation or other ride-share companies. To use a ride-share service, students and families must have the Ride-Share Release form on file with the office of student life. When traveling on public transportation, students are required to travel in groups. Parents of students in Classes I and II may give permission for house staff to use their own discretion in allowing their child to travel alone during daylight hours. Class III and IV students are not allowed to travel alone without special permission from the dean of students.
Visiting Private Homes
Any visit to a private home (daytime, evening or overnight) must be preceded by a personal invitation from the host parent to the house staff member on duty. This includes all private homes, even those of faculty members who live on campus. Students returning to their own homes must complete a leave request via REACH and their parents must contact the on duty house staff member to the visit.
Students in Classes II–IV are not allowed to sign out to private homes with hosts or hostesses who are under the age of 25. Students in Class I may do so, but permission will only be granted when the following requirements have been met:
- The house head receives an invitation, as well as the situation details (i.e., age, location, plans).
- Having talked to the student first, the house head then must hear from the student’s parents and advise the parents of all the circumstances involved, including any concerns the house head may have. After having understood the above circumstances, the parents must give permission for the overnight.
- Transportation and other details must agree with the student’s current permissions.
- This permission is not intended for other Milton Academy students to use for signing Class I students out for overnights.
Campus Pet Policy
Boarding students are not allowed to have pets in the houses. We recognize that pets can be an important part of our students’ lives and as such, families may wish to bring pets to campus when they visit. We ask visitors to be sensitive to those who are not comfortable around animals or who may be allergic. Please note that all visiting pets on campus must be properly restrained and controlled. In all cases, responsibility for behavior of pets resides with the owners, who assume all liability for any injuries or damages their pet may cause. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their pets.
Day Student Resident Policy
We expect that day students are living at home with parent(s) or legal guardian(s). The school cannot accept students living on their own or with persons who are not parents or legal guardians. Failure to adhere to this policy may lead to the student’s dismissal from Milton Academy.
Students 18 and Older
Students who turn 18 before graduation are required to follow all school policies, rules, and expectations. Additionally, Milton will maintain the same level of communication with the student’s parents and/or guardians throughout that student’s time at Milton regardless of the student’s age.
School Bus Policy
The bus routes include Chestnut Hill-Brookline, Newton-Wellesley Needham-Dover-Dedham-South Natick, Cohasset-Hingham and Boston-Cambridge. Routes are routinely examined to determine if the stops should be altered, based on the day student population. Validated bus identification tags are required for students who ride the bus. Students who lose their bus identification tags should contact the Campus Services and Events office at 617-898-2211. A $15 fee will be charged to the student’s IA to replace lost bus identification tags. One-way, one-ride passes can be requested by contacting the Campus Services and Events office at campus_services@milton.edu 24 hours in advance of the requested ride. One-way ride passes may also be available for purchase at the Bookstore.
Upon boarding the bus:
- Students who are registered for the bus service must present their bus identification tag to the driver. If students who are registered for the bus service do not present their bus identification tag, they must provide their name and signature to the driver, along with a reason for not having the required identification. Students who do not have their bus identification tag five times during the course of a semester may be charged a processing fee of $10 each subsequent time they board the bus without the required identification. Students should notify the Campus Services and Events office if they have lost their bus pass and need a replacement pass.
- Students who are not registered for the bus service must present a one-time/one-way ride pass to the driver each time they board the bus. Passes can be requested in advance by contacting the Campus Services and Events office. Students who do not have a one-time/one-way ride pass must provide their name and signature to the driver. Students riding without a one-time/one-way ride pass will automatically have their IA charged $15 for each occurrence.
Students are expected to remain seated and well behaved while on the bus, and to uphold the rights and well-being of others. All student behavior policies, as outlined in this Handbook, also apply to the bus.
Instructions by the driver must be followed in full immediately.
Failure to follow any of the above policies will result in a conversation with a member of the office of student life and may result in the loss of bus privileges and loss of fees.
Students should arrive at least 5 minutes ahead of their scheduled pick-up time and cooperate in keeping the bus on schedule. The same rule applies for the afternoon pick-up time. This “flex time” is needed due to traffic and weather conditions.
Pick-up times may be changed on certain days, such as the beginning and end of the school year and the beginning of school vacations. Students should pay close attention to any such announcements.
If a bus stop location or time needs to be changed, it will be communicated in writing to those families affected. Detailed bus information can be found at www.milton.edu/bus.
Security Camera and Surveillance Policy
The safety and security of our community is of the utmost importance. We believe that a secure environment is essential for fostering a conducive environment for learning and growth. This policy provides a comprehensive framework for the installation, use, and management of security cameras throughout the school premises, aligning with our core values of promoting a safe and supportive learning environment, respecting individual privacy rights, and adhering to the applicable laws and regulations concerning surveillance.
The school understands the importance of maintaining a balance of between security cameras and personal privacy, using security cameras on campus to:
- enhance the overall security and safety of the school premises
- deter potential threats and incidents of misconduct
- promote a sense of security and well being among students, staff, and families
- facilitate timely and effective response to security incidents
- provide valuable evidence for investigations and disciplinary actions
This policy is intended to ensure the responsible use of surveillance footage, protect the privacy rights of individuals, and maintain transparency within our school community.
Camera Placement
Decisions on the placement of cameras on school property are made by the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Head of School, the Director of Campus Safety, and independent experts as may be engaged from time to time.
Security cameras will not be placed in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as inside residences, student rooms, dorm hallways, bathrooms, and locker rooms. Instead, cameras are intended to provide the small group of trained individuals named in this policy the access to view real-time and recorded footage to respond to incidents or to assess present conditions.
The placement of cameras will focus on areas that meet one or more of the following criteria:
- high traffic campus and entrances and exits
- areas where members of the public may be frequently present for events or rentals
- parking lots, roads (along Centre Street) and outdoor common areas
- areas where heightened safety and security risks may exist
Use of Surveillance Footage
Video footage is used responsibly and in compliance with relevant state and local privacy laws and regulations. Access to video footage is limited to the authorized personnel listed below:
- director of campus safety and on duty campus safety officers
- the Head of School, Divisional Principals, Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, Director of Residential Life, Class Deans, House Heads, or other designees on a case-by-case basis
- law enforcement officials, when required for investigations
Recorded footage may only be used for security and investigative purposes. Access to video footage is strictly confidential and controlled to maintain accountability and prevent unauthorized use. In the event of a campus emergency, the safety of our community members supersedes this policy. As such, authorized personnel may access these feeds in real-time, as needed.
Surveillance Video Retention Period
All video footage is retained for a period of 30 days, depending on the available storage capacity. In no case shall Milton Academy be held liable for the failure to maintain any recorded data for any period of time. All such recordings shall be treated as confidential and shall not be released to individuals (including, students, staff, or families) or agencies outside of the school except through subpoena or other court order requiring the release of video footage.
Any law enforcement agency may be provided recorded materials in conjunction with an investigation by that agency.
Drone Policy
In order to comply with federal, state and local laws, and for the safety and privacy of the Milton Academy community, the use of drones anywhere on or above the campus is prohibited, except in the case of professionals hired by the school with the intent purpose of using a drone. Students are prohibited from bringing drones to campus.
Illegal Substance Use Policy
In compliance with state regulations, smoking is not permitted on Milton Academy campus. The possession, use, purchase or distribution of tobacco or nicotine delivery devices and systems, is strictly prohibited. This includes e-cigarettes and all oral tobacco products.
Consistent with the school’s standard to maintain a safe and healthy environment, counseling and education about the health-related consequences of tobacco use (including vaping and equivalents) may be required if the school is concerned about a student’s use of these products. A first offense will normally result in a Dean’s Committee and required participation in a cessation program at the parent(s)/guardian(s) expense. A second violation will result in a Discipline Committee hearing.
Students may not use, possess, bring to campus, purchase or distribute alcohol, or other unauthorized mind-altering drugs or substances, and/or any paraphernalia associated with the use of these items including hookah pens, vaporizers and any other delivery systems, and may not intentionally misuse products that can act as inhalants, while enrolled at the school. Students engaging in the use of these substances or devices will be found in violation of the school’s standard to maintain a safe and healthy environment and will be subject to a disciplinary response up to and including suspension or dismissal from school.
All illegal substance use violations will result in a room search by the office of student life. Additionally, all students in the presence of the offense may have their room searched and will be subject to a disciplinary response.
Furthermore, off-campus parties or comparable gatherings are a matter of concern for the school. Since the school’s concern for the health and safety of students extends beyond the bounds of the school’s campus, the school may take action with respect to inappropriate, illegal, unhealthy or dangerous behavior at the school or elsewhere, as it deems appropriate, at the school’s sole discretion.
Parent/Guardian Hosting Policy
Massachusetts Social Host Law
In Massachusetts, anyone who provides alcoholic beverages for a minor can be charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and may also be held liable for injuries suffered by a minor who is a guest (Massachusetts Social Host Law).
Alcohol may not be served at gatherings where students are present. Boarding students under the school’s jurisdiction may not attend events at which alcohol is served. Parents must also make clear to attendees that the School’s drug and alcohol policy will be enforced.
Families considering an invitation for their child to attend a party are encouraged to call the host to be reassured that adults will be present. As a matter of safety, the school encourages families to always impress upon their children the importance of refusing to ride in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Students are reminded that friendship includes dissuading a friend from using alcohol or drugs and from driving under the influence.
Large Gatherings
Families planning a party, (e.g. team party, birthday, etc.) that involves 10 or more students, day or boarding, must communicate with the office of student life well in advance.
We expect families planning to host a gathering of 10 or more students to adhere to the following guidelines:
- Provide a plan for adult supervision for gathering, whether it be hosting at home or in a different venue. The school recommends a ratio of 12:1 student to adult
- Provide a guest list of all students, boarding or day, attending
- Provide a plan for transportation. Hosts must plan to provide transportation for boarding students both to and from the party. Transportation must align with each student’s permissions as documented on the REACH management system.
- Limit the number of guests; “open” parties can quickly get out of control.
- Hosts should not allow alcohol or drugs to be brought into the home.
Once the information above has been provided, the deans’ office will communicate with the house staff to notify each house the gathering has been approved.
Hosting Milton Boarding Students
Milton has long benefited from, and is most grateful for, the hospitality extended to boarding students by families and friends living in the vicinity. Those who host students share responsibility with the school for the students under their care. Therefore the school requires:
- families who wish to entertain a boarding student must extend a personal invitation in advance to the head of the student’s house, or house staff on duty
- when day student drivers are involved, travel during unusually late hours should be avoided
- proper adult supervision, preferably by the host, must be provided for all student gatherings
- for any gathering that involves 10 or more students, day or boarding, families must follow the guidelines detailed under Large Gatherings well in advance of the planned date.
- families hosting students may not give a boarding student permission to alter off-campus plans; all changes should be cleared through the house parent on duty in the student’s house.
Host Family Program
The Host Family Program is a way for parents of Milton students who live near campus to give boarding students a “home away from home.” Each year, some students may experience loneliness as they make the transition to boarding life, or simply miss the easy downtime of being in a family home away from the busy pace of campus life. Some students may also need a place to stay should their travel plans necessitate an early arrival to or a delayed departure from campus. The Host Family helps to make these transitions easier and offers the students a local home for overnight accommodations, out-of-dorm downtime or welcome treats.
Detailed information about requesting a host family or serving as a host family should fill out a Host Family request form. For more information, please reach out to the director of international student services.
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Milton Academy is committed to providing a safe, respectful and supportive living, learning and working environment, free from sexual misconduct, in which all members of the community can thrive and succeed. The School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy is designed to uphold this commitment and to create a consistent standard for responding to reports and keeping the community safe. The policy, which applies to all members of the community (students, employees and parents), defines key terms, prohibited conduct, and protections related to sexual misconduct. Additionally, the policy outlines relevant protocols and procedures for reporting, investigating and resolving incidents and allegations of sexual misconduct.
Healthy Relationship and Sexual Intimacy Policy
For high school students the issue of sexual intimacy is a complicated one. While the school recognizes that healthy romantic relationships may involve a range of physical intimacies, we are aware of the potential physical and/or emotional implications that can accompany early sexual relationships. The school wishes to protect students from sexual behavior that may lead to uncomfortable situations, sexually transmitted infections and/or pregnancy. In short, the school believes that most secondary school students are not ready to assume the responsibilities that accompany a sexual relationship, while recognizing that within our diverse community, families may share varying moral beliefs about sexuality and sexual behavior.
Since a school by nature is a public, shared space, and therefore not appropriate for intimate sexual activity, the school does not condone students engaging in sex on campus. In particular, students living in dormitories have a right to privacy that includes the comfort of knowing when visitors will be present in the dormitory and the right to be free from unwanted exposure to the intimate sexual behaviors of others. If students do engage in sex on campus, the dean of students will consult with the Faulkner Health Center, the Counseling Center staff and others, and may notify the students’ parents; the school may also take disciplinary action.
State Law Regarding Age of Consent
Massachusetts state law specifically prohibits sexual activity involving persons under the age of 16. When the school becomes aware that such sexual activity has occurred, the school is legally required to notify the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. Actions by DCF may result in criminal consequences beyond the school’s disciplinary process. The school will also notify local police. Through various programs, the school seeks to help students make wise individual decisions, while providing accurate information about sexuality, protection and legal considerations. The school emphasizes the value of clear communication and mutual respect, and we urge students, as they consider sexual activity, to discuss with adults and/or peer counselors the consequences of their choices, including health risks, differences among students in maturity, the prospect of unwanted pregnancy and parenthood, situations involving exploitation or intimidation and related legal issues.
Sanctuary Policy
It is the school’s position that its students should refrain from the use of drugs and/or alcohol. However, the school recognizes that students sometimes make unhealthy decisions and put their safety and well-being at risk. Understanding that there is a reluctance to ask for help if disciplinary action could follow, the Sanctuary Policy allows a student to reach out without invoking a disciplinary response.
Sanctuary is a non-disciplinary response to situations in which student safety is compromised. This policy applies in instances of alcohol or drug use or overdose, danger due to physical or psychological distress, or presence in an unsafe environment off campus. Designed to promote greater safety for our students, sanctuary is typically a confidential arrangement among the health and counseling staff, the student, and the student’s family. If sanctuary is granted, neither the student receiving sanctuary, nor the student requesting assistance on behalf of another student, will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of the School’s drug, alcohol or whereabouts policies.
Use of Sanctuary
When a student is facing a medical emergency or is in a potentially unsafe situation, the student may approach any adult in the community,call the Faulkner Health Center, or the counselor on call and clearly state that they are seeking help through the school’s sanctuary program. The student must do so before the faculty member has reasonable suspicion or is in a position where the violation is likely to be discovered. The faculty member involved in such a conversation should refer the student or students to Faulkner for medical care. Sanctuary may be sought and granted regardless of prior requests.
Response to Using Sanctuary
The student’s parents will be notified about the incident, and the student will be required to meet with a school counselor. In cases involving drugs and alcohol, the student may also be required to undergo a drug and alcohol evaluation by an outside substance abuse professional (at parents’ expense), and may be subject to random, confidential drug testing, (again, at parents’ expense). Failure to complete the requirements for evaluation and treatment after sanctuary has been granted may lead to disciplinary consequences. Before a student is permitted to resume school activities (academic or extracurricular) following the use of sanctuary, permission must be granted by the Faulkner Health Center. The results of any drug testing that ensues after Sanctuary and any subsequent positive test will not result in disciplinary action, but the results will be shared with parents. However, recurrent positive test results consistent with continued abuse of drugs or alcohol will likely require a medical leave to allow the student to seek outside treatment.
Drug Testing Policy
If the School suspects that a student has been using alcohol or illegal drugs, or is abusing prescription medication prescribed to them or others, the student will normally be taken to the Faulkner Health Center or hospital and undergo a drug test.
In a disciplinary situation, the school may require drug and/or alcohol testing. Test results will generally be reported to the Upper School Principal, the Dean of Students, to the student involved, to the student’s faculty advisor and to the student’s parents/guardians. Drug testing information may be used in disciplinary action.
Students who are being drug tested are required to provide samples while in the presence of a Health Center staff member. Techniques used may include, but are not limited to, urine testing. A student’s attempt to tamper with the drug testing procedures and/or results will likely result in an automatic presumption of a positive test and the student will generally be immediately referred to the Dean of Students. If a student refuses to take a drug or alcohol test, the school may consider this to be a positive test.
If a student is involved in a disciplinary case resulting from the use of prohibited alcohol and/or drugs and is not dismissed from the school, the student will generally be required to participate in substance use evaluation and be required to undergo random testing for drugs and/or alcohol for the remainder of the student’s enrollment at Milton Academy.The regular drug screening test will be performed in the Health Center under the supervision of a Health Center staff member and with the cooperation of an outside specimen testing lab. If a student tests positive, a room search will typically take place by the office of student life and the student may be required to leave campus.
The cost of the substance use evaluation and drug testing will generally be at the families expense.
Helmet Policy
Students may use non-motorized bicycles, scooters, unicycles, skates and skateboards as energy and time-efficient modes of transportation to, from and around campus.
In the state of Massachusetts, children 16 years and under are required to wear helmets when riding bikes, scooters, skateboards, and skates. Due to the high volume of traffic in areas surrounding the school, the lack of bicycle paths, and the potential for serious injury associated with biking, skating, skateboarding or riding of scooters, all students, regardless of age, are required to wear helmets when riding, both on and off campus. Additionally, any student riding after sunset must have proper reflective gear. Students failing to abide by these guidelines will lose the privilege to bike, skateboard and/or ride scooters on campus and may have these items confiscated.
Students may not use, possess, or store small motorized devices, such as hoverboards, anywhere on campus.
Bicycle racks are available near the Schwarz Student Center and the Athletic and Convocation Center (ACC). The school encourages students to lock their bicycles when not in use. The school cannot take responsibility for any injuries resulting from students biking, skateboarding or riding scooters on or off campus or for any loss or damage to a student’s bicycle, unicycle, skateboard or scooter.
Standard of Dress Policy
Milton recognizes that clothing choices should be a safe way for all learners to “Dare to be true” by comfortably and respectfully expressing themselves. With this degree of choice comes the responsibility for all members of the Milton Academy community to dress in neat and appropriate clothing during the academic day, showing respect for themselves, the occasion, and others.
Within the guidelines of neat and appropriate, the following reflect our community values:
- At no time at School or School-sponsored events may a student wear:
- clothing decorated with messages expressing derogatory references to one’s or another’s identity (i.e., race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, class, disability, etc).
- clothing decorated with messages advocating violence, alcohol or other drugs.
- clothing expressing obscenities.
- Underwear (boxers, briefs, etc.), bra cups, and bra clasps should be covered with opaque material.
Respect for the occasion requires occasion-specific guidelines in addition to the general guidelines above:
- Family-style dinners—most Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights:
- Hats are not permitted
- Semi-formal dress events, such as Convocation, etc.:
- Dress
- Skirt or dress pants and dress shirt or blouse (may be accompanied by a blazer, jacket, and/or tie)
- All the above options should be accompanied by dress shoes (eg. not sneakers, rubber footwear, etc.)
- In each case above, denim fabric and athletic wear are not appropriate
- Formal Dress:
- Students may wear the following for occasions requiring formal dress:
- Dress
- Blazer, dress shirt, tie, dress pants
- Skirt or dress pants and blouse
- All the above options should be accompanied by dress shoes (e.g. not sneakers, rubber footwear, etc.)
- For Graduation, Class I may attend in any of the following:
- White dress
- Blue blazer, white dress shirt, tie, and dress pants
- White skirt or dress pants and white dress shirt or blouse
- All the above options should be accompanied by dress shoes (e.g. not sneakers, rubber footwear, etc.)
- Students may wear the following for occasions requiring formal dress:
Disregard for these guidelines should be reported to class deans, house heads, or administrators. As with disregard for any of the School’s expectations, infractions could result in a response from the School commensurate with the level of disregard.
Open Lab Safety Policy
The Milton Academy Science Department considers student-led research a core element of its program. As a result, student-conducted experiments often happen inside the classroom and continue outside of regular class times in our open lab facilities. Open lab is available to students during the school day, directly after school, and in the evening (a detailed schedule is posted at the Science Office). Students working in the lab during class time must follow all teacher-provided safety guidance. A faculty member is on duty in the building during all open lab times.
Students are responsible for following all laboratory safety procedures both during class time and in open lab. In addition, students working in the lab during times other than class time must adhere to the following requirements:
- Students must sign in with the faculty member on duty before entering any lab space.
- For safety reasons, no student will be allowed to work without at least one other student present in the lab. This additional partner does not have to be a “lab partner”, although that would be preferable.
- At the end of their work in the lab, students must clean and return all equipment used and sign out with the faculty member on duty.
- All appropriate lab and safety precautions must be observed while working in the Pritzker Science Center. Closed-toed shoes must be worn at all times in addition to the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including eye protection, for the type of experiment being conducted.
- If students are working during class time in the lab or in the lab area of a classroom, and need to continue work after their science class ends, students MUST sign in with the person on duty before working outside of your science class time.
Any violation of these guidelines may result in removal of open lab privileges and/or other appropriate disciplinary response.
Student Life
Life at Milton extends well beyond the classroom. Boarding and day students have the opportunity to be full participants in the Milton experience, through clubs and affinity spaces, community engagement, student activities, arts, athletics and much more. This section of the Handbook details information and resources for learning and fun, life in the residence houses, using all of Milton’s facilities properly, and maintaining health and safety for all members of our community. As students make use of school’s facilities, the expectation is that all spaces are left neat and clean after use.
Milton celebrates the blend of boarding and day student life and sees it as a fundamental strength of the school. We ask every student to approach life at Milton prepared to fully participate in all the school has to offer and we encourage day students to take advantage of the unique mix of the boarding and day worlds. A boarding school offers a wealth of opportunities (diversity, depths of relationships with faculty and students, social life, etc.) that a day school cannot offer. To fully realize the experience that Milton provides, we ask day students and their families to participate in school activities and events outside the academic day.
Student Activities
Milton has many student clubs based on shared interests, such as math, robotics, music, fashion, politics, gaming and much more. Additionally, there are several culture clubs, open to all students; and affinity spaces, which welcome students who connect via a certain aspect of their identity, as opportunities to bond over shared experiences.
The activities office is located on the Centre Street level of the Schwarz Student Center. Many student groups, including the Student Activities Association, use this office as their base of operations. All students involved in organizing or running clubs should work through this office, as should anyone wanting to sponsor weekend events, class functions or other class-related school programs. If a student would like to start a new club, activity or publication, or raise money for an existing program, they must have an adult supervisor and follow a set of guidelines as established by the activities office. Procedures for applying for school approval and funding are available in the activities office.
Weekend Activities
Regular weekend activities at Milton include athletic contests, concerts, drama performances, movies and dances. All students, day and boarding, are encouraged to participate. You can find information about weekend events on the school calendar.
The school counts heavily on the cooperation of day parents in making careful plans for their children’s attendance at school events. Chaperones monitor all events but cannot take responsibility for students who leave the areas where such events are taking place. The school and parents must trust students to adhere to school regulations, but there should be a clear understanding about limits. Driving arrangements, plans for the evening and time of return should be carefully discussed in advance. All students:
- are under the school’s jurisdiction.
- are responsible for the behavior of any guests they may bring with them.
A student who is dependent on adults for transportation should be picked up in front of Ware Hall promptly at the end of each occasion (10:45 p.m. for classes I–IV on Friday and Saturday night). Chaperones should not be expected to wait for a parent’s arrival nor should house faculty have that responsibility. On weeknights (Sunday–Thursday) day students should plan to leave campus by 10 p.m.
Dining Services
Boarding students are served breakfast, lunch and dinner. To build community within the residence houses, boarding students are required to attend dinners on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Day students are served lunch in Forbes, and are welcome to attend buffet style evening meals in Forbes. If a day student wishes to attend dinner at a particular residence house on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, the day student must check in with the faculty member on duty. Refer to the “Dining at Milton” page on the School’s website for hours and menus.
Snack Bar
Students may visit the snack bar, located on the ground floor of the student center, during the hours when the dining hall is not open, to purchase hot and cold snacks and beverages. Students may use their IA or cash to purchase items at the snack bar.
All students are expected to clean up after themselves in the dining facilities and student center. The school encourages the use of reusable water bottles and mugs to reduce waste and environmental harm. Water fountains and bottle-filling stations are located throughout campus.
Student Health Services And Support
Health Center
The Faulkner Health Center is located at 348 Centre Street, next to the Goodwin and Hathaway houses. Faulkner is staffed by registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. School physicians are available to boarding students for consultation and appointments by arrangement with the health and counseling staff. A psychiatrist is available weekly to prescribe and monitor psychotropic medications and to consult with the counseling staff. An orthopedic specialist serves as a consultant to the health and counseling staff and to the athletic trainers. Services of physicians are not covered by a student’s health fee and are provided on a fee-for-service basis. Doctor’s visits and/or laboratory tests for boarding students are performed or ordered as indicated and charged to a student’s health insurance on file with the Faulkner Health Center. If the insurance is part of an HMO or another group that requires referrals, families will be required to obtain an insurance referral from the child’s primary care physician.
The Health and Counseling Centers believe in preventive care. The faculty and staff work with a student’s primary care physician and parents to support the student’s health and well-being. The school has easy access to the services of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Milton for emergencies and major Boston hospitals, including Massachusetts General Hospital and Boston Children’s Hospital, for emergency and inpatient care.
In a medical emergency, an adult from the school will accompany the student to a medical facility. Any incurred expenses will be charged to the student’s Incidental Account. If a parent schedules any medical appointments outside of the Faulkner Health Center (i.e. dental, orthodontic, etc.), they are responsible for arranging their child’s transportation at the family’s expense and they should inform the Health Center of any care being provided off campus.
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center is located on campus at 313 Randolph Avenue. Students may schedule an appointment with a counselor by sending an email to counseling_center@milton.edu. If students need support more urgently, they should call 617-898-2470. Boarding and day students are encouraged to meet with school counselors if needed. However, day students may be referred to outside counselors if longer-term counseling is required. Counselors are available for appointments between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. At all other times, a counselor is on call for boarding students at 617-898-2470. The Counseling Center does not provide family therapy.
Personal counseling is offered to students on a confidential basis. All information shared between students and the school’s health care providers (including counselors and nurses) is private and is treated confidentially within the limits of safety and of the law. This includes disclosing information to parents and legal guardians. To promote candor and increase the effectiveness of counseling, the school asks that parents respect the privacy of students who may not wish to share certain information with them.
Privacy and Confidentiality
The health and counseling staff provides medical care or counseling for the students confidentially, including counseling and treatment of medical issues resulting from the use of drugs and alcohol. The goal of the confidentiality policy at Milton is to create a setting where students feel comfortable and are able to provide full disclosure around these issues to receive optimal care.
Under the guidelines of confidentiality, and with the student’s knowledge, only those adults on campus who need to know will be notified regarding health issues. This could include, but is not limited to, the student’s pediatrician, counselor, administrators, advisor, and house head. Milton Academy health care professionals strive to respect student privacy, however, there are times when information may need to be shared in order to protect the health, safety or welfare of a student and/or the community. Release of health related information to authorized employees or agents of Milton Academy, as needed, in order to protect the health, safety, and welfare of students and/or the community is a condition of enrollment at the school.
If an emergency presents life-threatening risk to a student and nondisclosure could jeopardize the health and safety of the student, confidentiality may be waived. Parents are always notified in emergency situations.
When a student’s medical condition requires hospitalization or home care under parental supervision, a medical leave of absence may be granted. The student’s return to school will occur only after parents, and in some cases the attending physician, have communicated with the nursing staff at Milton to determine the student’s readiness to resume school life.
Health Records
Milton Academy’s electronic health record, Magnus, is the platform for all health-related records and forms, including physical exams, consents, immunization information and health insurance information. Parents can upload and update their child’s health information through the Magnus parent portal, which must be done annually. Please note that the school’s required medical forms must be on file with the Faulkner Health Center in order for students to start classes or participate in sports. Students will not be allowed to start the school year unless the completed forms have been received.
All students are required to have up-to-date immunizations and current, valid annual physical examinations. Every student must have adequate health insurance coverage. Although Milton does require that all students receive a physical exam, the school does not conduct these exams, nor does the school require vision, hearing, or scoliosis screening. Your child’s primary care physician is responsible for conducting these examinations.
When a student is sick or injured and is absent from school for an extended time, the attending physician must provide either the health center staff or athletic trainer with written permission for the student to return to athletic play with no restrictions. Please see the Milton Academy Concussion and Head Injury Policy, available through the Athletic Department, for more information. All boarding students and in-season day students who sustain a concussion will be seen by the school physician for clearance to return to play. It is the parent’s or guardian’s responsibility to obtain a referral from the student’s primary care physician for this appointment if their health care provider requires such a referral.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires a number of childhood immunization series in order to attend schools and camps in the state. All students in grades 7 through 12 must have the following series: Dtap/Tdap, MMR, Polio, Varicella, Hep B, and Menactra. These immunizations are reported by providers to the MIIS for tracking and compliance. Milton Academy nurses review each student’s immunization history carefully upon admission to Milton and as needed throughout each student’s time at the school to ensure compliance with the requirements. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health publishes these requirements each year and this information is linked here. The nurse reviewing the records will notify the parent/guardian of any student who is missing one or more of the required immunizations, instructing them to make a vaccine appointment to receive what is missing. Each student’s immunization documentation is uploaded, reviewed, and updated in their Magnus record. Unless the vaccine is not available to the student or the student has a valid medical or religious exemption, the student will not be allowed to attend school until they receive the vaccine.
Seasonal flu vaccine is offered to boarding students annually in the fall. Students older than age 19 are not eligible to receive this state-issued flu vaccine. Parents/guardians complete the consent process through their student’s account on Magnus. The Health Center staff will communicate to boarding families regarding the flu vaccine process in early fall. The vaccine is administered on campus, by a school nurse, and the standard flu vaccine screening form is completed at the time of administration.
Communicable Illness
Students with illnesses or conditions that are considered easily transmitted to other students and/or adults should follow certain protocols in order to mitigate widespread transmission. Children can be ill and contagious without fever or with very mild symptoms. Generally, students who are absent from school due to illness should remain home or in the Health Center until symptoms are much-improved and the student has been fever-free for at least 24 hours. In special circumstances, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, additional precautions are taken in accordance with local, state and/or federal guidelines to ensure the health and safety of the community.
The following are some common health issues and general guidance:
- Respiratory viruses such as RSV, flu, pneumonia and COVID-19: Milton Academy continues to use the CDC and the local Department of Public Health as the guidelines for managing these contagious viruses. Students who have symptoms of viral respiratory illness should stay home or remain in the Health Center until both their symptoms have improved and they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without any fever-reducing medication. Fever: students with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher should remain at home until fever-free for at least 24 hours without any fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
- Vomiting/Diarrhea: students should remain home until symptom-free for at least 24 hours and are able to eat and drink fluid comfortably.
- Coughs/Colds: Students with coughs/colds should attempt to attend school, but if there is discomfort from the symptoms, fever (see above), and/or continuous or nasal drainage that is not clear, they should stay home and be evaluated by their pediatrician.
- Conjunctivitis: Students with bacterial conjunctivitis can return to school after using the antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours; students with viral conjunctivitis should stay home if symptoms are uncomfortable, but are able to attend school if possible; good hand-washing is essential to prevent the spread.
- Strep Throat: Students must not return to school until at least 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic is taken and should only return if they feel well enough; strep infections can cause some students to feel ill for days before feeling well enough to attend school.
- Rash: Students who have rashes that are new, unidentified or suspicious should stay home and be evaluated by their pediatrician in order to be cleared to return to school.
- Mononucleosis: If a student is diagnosed with mono, the school nurse should be notified to discuss return to school protocol; in many cases, the pediatrician will place physical activity restrictions for a period of time, which will need to be coordinated with Milton for a safe return to school.
- Head Lice: Students with suspected head lice should be evaluated as soon as possible; if the diagnosis is made, students must be treated with a head lice treatment (the pediatrician can provide guidance on treatment options). Boarding students can be evaluated by the Health Center if there is a suspected case. The diagnosis of head lice is not a reason to be absent from school, but it does require immediate attention, treatment, and active surveillance for evidence of returning infestation.
- Chickenpox: While students are required to be vaccinated against this virus, breakthrough infections do occur. Students with diagnosed chicken pox should remain home at least five days, or until all areas are crusted over, completely dry, and no new areas are forming. This diagnosis must be reported to the Health Center staff.
- Impetigo or other contagious bacterial skin infections: Students with a contagious bacterial skin infection must remain home at least 24 hours after the first dose of antibiotic.
Medications at School
Boarding students taking prescription medication must bring their prescriptions to the Faulkner Health Center for review by the nursing staff, who will then either approve the medication to be held in the student’s dorm room for self-administration, or sign it in to the Health Center for administration to the student by the nursing staff as prescribed. Students should only keep very small quantities of over-the-counter medications in their rooms. Students may not keep unlabeled packets of medication in their rooms. If parents do send pre-packaged medication, it must be in the original packaging, labeled in English and brought to Faulkner so that the nursing staff can easily identify the contents and manage administration. Medications that can not be identified by the nursing staff will be returned to parents or held at the Health Center until the student returns home. It is the expectation that students who are ill or injured will report to the Health Center for assessment and treatment, and the Health Center is stocked with a wide variety of over-the-counter medications to treat illness and injury.
The Faulkner Health Center will fill prescription medications prescribed by the school physician for all boarding students. The student’s Incidental Account (IA) will be charged for the co-pay. In order for the pharmacy to fill the prescriptions, the school must provide the pharmacy with the pharmacy codes from the student’s insurance card. For information on how to find these codes, contact the staff at Faulkner. If parents do not provide this information and their child requires prescription medication, Milton will charge the student’s IA account for the full pharmacy cost.
Psychotropic Medications (mind altering, stimulants, antidepressants, anti-anxiety)
If boarding students are taking psychotropic medications, these medications are generally prescribed by the school’s consulting psychiatrist (at the parents’ expense) and are dispensed by the school nurses daily. These students must also meet regularly with a school counselor. For the safety of our students, all psychotropic medications must be stored at Faulkner. Students are never allowed to keep psychotropic medications in the dorm. Boarding students who keep psychotropic medications in their dorm room risk disciplinary action. If a student is going to be off campus and the Health Center staff has been properly notified by a parent or faculty member in the dorm, the staff will provide the student with packaged doses. If a student is already taking a psychotropic medication upon arrival at Milton, in most situations, our consulting school psychiatrist will then become the student’s prescriber for that particular medication during the academic year. Boarding students who are on psychotropic medications must also have a psychiatrist who manages the student’s psychiatric care during school breaks, as the school’s consulting psychiatrist will not be available during those times.
Allergy information is reviewed annually by the Health Center staff and allergy information is uploaded and managed in Magnus. Students with life-threatening allergies who have a prescribed epinephrine auto-injector (Epi-pen) have a clinic alert designation in Magnus, which displays this vital health information more prominently as a banner on their record. Allergy action plans are uploaded to the student’s record, and allergy information is distributed to residential houses, campus food services, and the Athletics department. Students in grades 6-12 are expected and required to carry their own Epi-pens and inhalers with them at all times, including away athletics competitions. Parents of students with prescriptions for life-saving medications are required to sign an emergency medication agreement document, which outlines the school’s expectations regarding carrying these medications at all times. Parents of students in the grades K-5 provide the school with an Epi-pen to be kept in their classroom and to be taken on field trips. Changes in allergies should be reported to the Health Center as soon as possible to help ensure the health and safety of the student population.
The Faulkner Health Center is equipped with nine bedrooms, with a total of 15 beds, all with their own private bathrooms. Additionally, there is a resting room on the first floor, close to the nursing station, for students who are there for shorter periods of time or need closer observation. This allows the nursing staff to place students in the most appropriate setting for the management of their care and contagion. The Health Center is cleaned daily, stocked with beverages, snacks, and light meals such as soup and bagels. For students who are staying through meal times, the dining service will deliver full meals to the Health Center and will accommodate special dietary needs of the students who are staying there.
Medical Leaves
The Dean of Students or Academic Dean, at the recommendation of the Faulkner Health Center or the Counseling Center, may grant a full medical leave or place a student on in-house medical support. Such leaves or accommodations—and decisions about returning to school—are granted after careful consideration among the school, the student’s family, and the student’s physician(s). In the event that a student goes on a leave or support plan, more information regarding the details will be provided by the health and counseling staff to the student and family. When a student is on leave, families are expected to meet their financial obligations to the school. Milton will not refund or cancel any portion of the full annual tuition or fees due to a medical leave.
Full Medical Leaves
When a student is unable to attend school for a medical/ mental health reason, the student may be placed on full medical leave (FML). The student will not be allowed to be in classes or on campus while on FML. A student or parent/guardian can request a FML by contacting the Health Center, Counseling Center or office of student life. When a FML is deemed necessary, the nurses or counselors will make a formal request to the office of student life, which will then send a letter/email to the parent/guardian, advisor, class dean, teachers and academic skills center, informing them of the leave. When a student is ready to return to school from a FML, in most situations the student will be transitioned to an In-House Medical Support plan.
In-House Medical Support
When a student needs additional, temporary support in order to complete school work or get caught up with missed work, an In-House Medical Support (IHMS) plan may be established. Students are typically on IHMS for two reasons:
- They are transitioning from a FML to a return to school and will need this additional support while catching up on missed work; ORThey have a new medical condition and need temporary accommodations. Like FML, a student or parent/guardian can request an IHMS by contacting the office of student life, Health Center, or Counseling Center.
When it is decided an IHMS plan is appropriate, a request is made by the nurses or counselors. If the request is approved, the office of student life will send a letter to the parent/guardian, advisor, class dean, teachers and academic skills center, informing them of the IHMS plan.
The Health and Counseling Centers maintain the lists of students who have current, ongoing FML and IHMS plans due to medical/mental health reasons. These lists are reviewed and updated weekly, as students are added and/or removed from the list. These lists are regularly circulated on a need to know basis among those at Milton who are actively engaged in the student’s care (office of student life, academic skills center, counseling, athletic training, teaching team, etc.). The health and counseling staff are responsible for maintaining communication with the student and parent/guardian regarding the need for the FML/IHMS and the plan for ending the leave or accommodations. While on FML, students should focus on health and wellness, and balance that with doing some school work when possible. On longer medical leaves, it can be difficult to complete all of the work, so the Academic Dean and the Director of theAcademic Skills Center will work closely with the nurses, the counselors, and the student, to help set up an academic transition plan upon return.
Administrative Leave
After consultation with the Upper School team, the Upper School Principal, the Dean of Students or the Academic Dean may place a student on administrative leave. A student’s placement on and release from administrative leave are at the school’s discretion.
Situations in which the school may place a student on administrative leave include but are not limited to situations in which a student issue has arisen and remains unresolved or in the event of safety concern. For example, a student may be placed on leave until a discipline committee is convened. If a student is placed on administrative leave, the office of student life will provide the family and student with more information regarding the details of the leave and a student’s potential return from the leave. Students may not attend Milton, on or off campus, while they are on administrative leave, unless an exception is granted in writing by the Dean of Students, Upper School Principal or Head of School. Students on such a leave are expected to complete their coursework as assigned in Schoology, with some support provided by the student’s teachers, their advisor, and the Academic Skills Center.
After consultation with the Upper School team, the Upper School Principal, the Dean of Students or the Academic Dean may end a student’s administrative leave.
Health Emergencies
In the event of a medical emergency due to cardiac arrest or anaphylaxis, Milton Academy has AEDs (automated external defibrillators) and Epi-pens (epinephrine auto-injectors) installed at many locations across campus. These life-saving devices are located in areas that are easily accessible and clearly marked. A map of the locations of the AEDs on campus can be found on the milton.edu website and by clicking here. Epi-pens are located in the Forbes dining hall, Elliott Commons dining hall, the Junior Building main lobby and dining hall, Greenleaf main lobby, Ware Hall mezzanine, the office of student life, CSG office, and the nursing offices in the AMC and Health Center.
The school nurse can be reached 24/7 at 617-898-2450 at the Health Center, and on school days at 617-898-1694 in the AMC office and 617-898-1671 at the Junior Building. If a medical emergency arises, the first person on the scene who is able, should call 9-1-1 and Campus Safety, locate the nearest AED or Epi-pen, and begin emergency procedures per the AED automated instructions or Epi-pen training provided annually.
Peer Support
There are several opportunities for students in Class I & Class II to educate others and support their classmates’ health and wellness. Juniors and Seniors interested in participating in any of the following programs should contact Amanda Chapin-Deehan, Director of Counseling.
Students Educating The Community About Sexuality
A group of Juniors & Seniors are selected from those who have taken both the elective course Human Sexuality & Relationships (HS&R) and its continuing seminar to be teaching aides for the HS&R course. These students, referred to as SECS (Students Educating the Community about Sexuality), participate in weekly training sessions with faculty sponsors and are also trained to provide information and resources on sexuality and healthy relationships to other students.
Individual Student Support
Individual Student Support (ISS) is a group of 12 Class I students trained and supervised by the counseling staff to talk with students about personal issues and to act as a bridge to professional counseling. Students who wish to be selected for ISS must have completed the HS&R course. The students then complete an application form in the spring of their Class II year. Current ISS members review applications and make recommendations to the faculty advisor, who chooses the ISS members for the following year. ISS members participate in weekly training sessions with the faculty sponsor.
Peer Discussion Leaders
Peer discussion leaders are students in Class II who facilitate discussions about a variety of topics with students in Classes IV through II. Students who wish to be peer discussion leaders must have completed the HS&R course. These students submit applications in the spring of their Class III year and begin their tenure during their Class II year. Class I peer discussion leaders review applications and make recommendations to the faculty advisor, who chooses the new peer discussion leaders for the following year. Peer discussion leaders participate in weekly training sessions with the faculty sponsor.
Residential Life
Cooperation and respect are the hallmarks of successful involvement in the boarding community at Milton Academy. Students new to boarding life enter a diverse world that is united by the values and goals of the school. They carry a significant amount of personal responsibility for following a healthy lifestyle. Willingness to take personal responsibility for contributing to the greater Milton community and understanding and abiding by the major rules of the school is important for boarding students. As students enter fully into the spirit of boarding life, they will experience the rewards of support from housemates and adult advisors. Open and honest communication with other students and adults, full integrity, and a willingness to articulate and share one’s values and beliefs are all important for a successful life in the houses.
House Head and Dorm Staff
Milton Academy has nine houses across campus with six adults per house that comprise the duty staff, including the house head. The house head is a member of the duty staff who is the primary point of contact for parents/guardians when questions arise about life in the houses or residential programming more broadly. The duty staff share the responsibility for student care in the houses and collaborate with one another to create positive, healthy, home-like experiences for boarding students. The duty staff also partners with student leaders in the house, including the house monitor, to support opportunities for students’ personal growth and foster a fun living experience for all boarding students.
Dorm Visitation
The development of positive relationships between students is one of the hallmarks of a thriving campus community, and the School encourages students to foster meaningful relationships. Students are welcome to visit one another in the houses during specified times (see Visiting Common Rooms & Student Rooms). Milton’s dorm visitation policy, centered on the community’s core values, is intended to support the necessary development of social skills and provide safe and respectful environments for healthy social interaction among students.
House residents who are hosting guests during visitation hours are asked to be mindful and respectful of their housemates’ rights. Regardless of a student’s gender identity, and that of their visitors, the visitation policy does not assume that students requesting visitors are using these privileges to engage in intimate physical or sexual relationships. The School places trust in students to abide by community expectations. Any failure to respect the spirit and letter of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action.
Appropriate Behavior in Dorm Room
While the school recognizes a student’s room on campus as their personal space, their room is also part of the larger residential community. Therefore, the School expects students to uphold certain standards. Milton Academy prohibits the following:
- The use of drugs and alcohol or tobacco (including vaping)
- The use of fire or open flames
- Roughhousing
- Sexual intimacy
Visiting Common Rooms & Student Rooms
Visitation Hours | ||
Common Room | In-Room | |
Sunday | 12 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. | 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. |
Monday | 3:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. | |
Tuesday | 3:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. | |
Wednesday | 1:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. | |
Thursday | 3:30 p.m. – 5:45 p.m. | |
Friday | 3:30 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. | 7 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. |
Saturday | 12 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. | 7 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. |
Long Weekend (Sunday) | 12 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. | 7 p.m. – 10:55 p.m. |
Long Weekend (Monday) | 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. | 12 p.m. – 3 p.m. |
- Each house is equipped with card access that allows house residents to enter at designated times. During the school day, non-residents of a house may not be in the building without explicit adult permission.
- All guests must be hosted by a resident of the house they are visiting. Adherence to all school rules is critical during student visitation and a student’s visitation privileges will be impacted if school rules have been violated.
- Common Rooms Only: Non-resident students may visit with a house resident in common room spaces without an on-duty houseparent’s permission. The house resident host must be present for the entirety of the visit. At their discretion, on-duty houseparents who may be out of the building during common room visitation hours may require resident students to notify them of any guests to best provide support in the case of an emergency.
In-Room Visitation: Non-resident students require the permission of the on-duty houseparent to visit a resident in their private room. Houseparents must be present in the building for the duration of the visit. Any non-resident students visiting a resident student’s room without the on-duty houseparent’s permission can expect consequences as a result.
Campus-wide Quiet Hours
Campus-wide quiet hours are from 7:30–9:30 p.m. Sunday through Thursday.
- Classes III and IV: Class III and IV students must report to their houses prior to 7:30 p.m. to prepare for supervised study hall. If they need to work in another campus location (e.g., Library, Pritzker, AMC), they must present a teacher’s note to the houseparent on duty at the beginning of quiet hours.
- Classes III and IV: During the winter season, if students participate on athletic teams that hold practices during evening study hours, those students must observe study hall at an alternative time.
- Classes I and II: Students have the freedom to work elsewhere on campus without a teacher’s note. Students who do not use their evening study time productively may lose this privilege.
- Non-resident guests may be allowed in the house during quiet hours to study or work on a project only with the expressed permission of the houseparent on duty.
Evening Check In
All boarding students must check-in to their respective house on weeknights and weekends by the times listed in the schedule (see Evening Check-In Schedule). After evening check-in, students may not leave the house, without special permission, before 6 a.m. All houses should be settled down and quiet by midnight
For exceptions, see School Nights and Exceptions to Boarding Commitments.
Evening Check-In Schedule |
Sunday – Thursday |
10 p.m. |
Friday |
11 p.m. |
Saturday |
11 p.m. |
Sunday |
10 p.m. |
School Nights and Exceptions to Boarding Commitments
Milton Academy strives to support students as they capitalize, responsibly, on the campus’s proximity to Boston and programs beyond what is offered on campus. Class I and II students may submit requests to the on-duty houseparent to sign out on school nights, provided that the conditions are below met. Class III and IV may also request to sign out on school nights; however, additional conditions must be met prior to approval.
- The student’s plans align with their parental permission.
- The student has had a face-to-face conversation with the on-duty houseparent in advance to discuss a detailed set of plans for the evening including a return no later than 10 p.m. When a student’s plans include a return after evening check-in, the on-duty houseparent will contact a parent/guardian to review the details of the plans.
- The on-duty houseparent has agreed that the plan is both well-organized and safe, including transportation.
- The student’s request includes specific details that have been submitted via Reach, and the necessary sign out procedure has been completed prior to the student leaving campus.
- Class III & IV Only: The student’s advisor or house head has contacted their parents/guardians to determine whether the opportunity is in the best interest of the student given their current school commitments.
- Class III & IV Only: The parent/guardian and a member of the student life office have discussed and mutually approved the details of the request that has been submitted.
- Students Missing Regular Boarding Commitments: If a student needs to miss boarding commitments on a regular basis for commitments outside of school, an application must be submitted for review to the Director of Residential Life.
Families, via a written note, should notify the houseparent of any restrictions to the plans that their students have submitted. At their discretion, the houseparents, in all circumstances, retain the right to withhold permission for off-campus travel and overnight stays.
Students will have many opportunities to attend plays, performances, movies and other activities in the Boston area. Milton Academy believes that it is age-appropriate for Class I and II students to occasionally receive an extension of their check-in curfew beyond 11 p.m. on a Friday or Saturday. Student requests for this privilege are granted under the following conditions:
- The student’s plans align with their parental permission.
- The student has had a face-to-face conversation with the on-duty houseparent in advance to discuss a detailed set of plans for the evening.
- The on-duty houseparent has agreed that the plan is both well-organized and safe, including transportation.
- The student’s request for a “midnight” including specific details has been submitted via Reach, and the necessary sign out procedure has been completed prior to the student leaving campus.
Students who violate this policy can expect a follow-up response from the on-duty houseparent.
Late-Night Policy (Classes III & IV)
Milton Academy believes in the importance of supporting friendships between upperclassmen and underclassmen. These relationships can encourage younger students to explore more of what Boston has to offer in the presence of older students who can teach them about navigating the city.
The “Late Night” policy therefore applies to students in Class III or IV who, with parental permission, may request a “Late Night” on a Friday or Saturday night. In all instances, the appropriate composition of the group is at the house head’s discretion. Normally, underclassmen may request a Late Night with a Class I student in their house during the first semester and a Class I or II student in their house during the second semester. Such requests are granted under the following conditions:
- The students requesting the “Late Night” have given a detailed plan for their evening to the faculty member on duty, and the faculty member feels the plan is well-organized and safe. Examples of such plans might include attending an athletic event or cultural event in Boston, or dinner out at a restaurant and a movie.
- Students’ plans include checking in by 11 p.m.
- In cases where a group of students is going into Boston, there must be an appropriate ratio of older to younger students.
- Students may request this privilege no more than once a month, with a maximum of four times per year.
Room Inspections & Health and Safety Checks
Students are expected to keep their rooms neat and clean, including their laundry. In order to ensure their health and safety, house staff will inspect dorm rooms at least once a week. During inspection, house staff will check for both cleanliness and potential health, safety and fire hazards. Closets, refrigerators, lock boxes and areas under beds are included in these inspections.
The office of student life will also schedule random health and safety checks and will communicate specific procedures to the dorm faculty involved. Students will also receive information regarding the procedures and be given the opportunity to ask questions or express concern. Two room numbers from each house will be drawn at random to determine the specific rooms to be inspected. The students whose rooms have been selected will remain present for the duration of the inspection. A student may also request that a house student leader be present.
Dorm Searches and Personal Belongings
At any time, if Milton Academy faculty, staff or other school representatives has reasonable belief that a student has violated, or is currently in violation of, school rules or policies, including unlawful conduct, the School reserves the right to inspect and search any student’s room and seize personal belongings or property (e.g., lockers, lock boxes, cars, backpacks, cell phones, iPads, laptops and other electronic devices). The School may take action on its own, or in conjunction with law enforcement authorities, as is appropriate to the circumstances. No set guidelines can provide foresight for every situation that might arise, therefore, Milton cannot limit, in any way, Milton’s ability to act as it deems appropriate under the circumstances.
Prohibited Items in the Dorm
Items provided for common use in the dorm include an iron, microwave, television, and a printer.
The following items are prohibited in dorms: candles & incense, matches & lighters, cloth wall hangings, electric blankets, air conditioners, humidifiers, space heaters, halogen lamps & string lights, hooks/shelves or anything that requires a screw or nail to affix to the wall. Additional prohibited items include electric kettles, hot pots, rice cookers, toasters/toaster ovens, televisions/monitors/projectors (screens/displays greater than 20” diagonal), printers, and pets (including fish).
Each dorm room is equipped with a twin XL bed, chair, desk, and wastebasket/recycling bins for each student. A bureau or closet is also provided. Beds will only be high-lofted in predetermined rooms; however, at the student’s request, those beds can be lowered. For safety reasons, the school will provide all materials for high-loft or bunk beds. Each bunked or high-lofted bed will be equipped with a safety rail, stabilizer rail and ladder. Students are expected to use the ladder provided. Correct positioning of ladders for bunk beds will be included as part of room inspection and health and safety checks.
Students may not bring additional furniture to the houses.
Houses are equipped with kitchenettes that include basic appliances like microwaves, toasters, and dishwashers. Full-sized refrigerators are also provided for common use. If a personal refrigerator is needed, the School encourages them to coordinate with their roommate(s) to avoid unnecessary duplication.
In-room refrigerators must draw less than 2.0 amps (ideally 1.5 amps), be in good running order, and be plugged directly into a wall socket (not into an extension cord or power strip). Refrigerators are subject to search and are included as part of weekly room inspections. Students are accountable for the contents of their refrigerators at all times.
Prior to winter and spring vacations, students must empty, defrost and unplug their refrigerators. Summer storage of student refrigerators on campus is extremely limited and requires prior approval from the house head. Milton strongly recommends that families contract with an outside company for summer storage of personal refrigerators.
Lock Boxes
The school expects that students will do their part in maintaining security by locking their room doors, reporting lost ID swipe cards and room keys, and reporting any malfunctioning windows, doors or locks. For added security of small valuables, each boarding student is provided a lock box in their room. Boarding students are urged not to keep large sums of money in their possession (see Allowances).
- Milton Academy bears no responsibility for items lost or stolen from lock boxes.
- Tampering with or modifying lock boxes is prohibited. Students are responsible for the condition of their assigned lock box. The cost for repair or replacement will be charged to the student’s IA, and violations of this regulation may result in disciplinary action.
- Any lock placed on a lock box by a student must be removable with bolt cutters. Students are responsible for their keys and/or combinations.
- Students should expect the contents of lock boxes to be inspected by the school.
- If a student cannot open a lock box for any reason at the time requested, the lock will be removed by staff. Students are responsible for replacement of the lock if it has to be forcibly removed.
- Students are held accountable for all contents in their assigned lock box.
Laundry Services
Each campus house is equipped with free washers and dryers for student use. Milton Academy also partners with E&R Campus Laundry Service to provide all boarding students with a free basic linens plan that includes laundering of sheets, pillowcases, bath towels, and face cloths. Bi-weekly pick-up and delivery occurs directly at each house.
Additional Cost: Families may elect to customize their student’s laundry plan by adding services that include clothing and ironing services. Families who elect a customizable plan will receive a discount from E&R Campus Laundry Services. E&R will contact families with more information or families can review their customized plans directly via thecampuslaundry.com or through customer service (800) 243-7789.
Food Delivery
Students may order food to be delivered through local neighboring vendors or via food delivery services (e.g., Door Dash/Grub Hub/Uber Eats, etc.). Orders should be placed so that food arrives before or after quiet hours and always before evening check in. Delivery staff are not permitted to enter any house or school building.
Summer Storage
Any student wishing to store small items in a dormitory may do so through their respective house head. Very limited storage space for personal belongings is available to boarding students over the summer. Additionally, students may seek summer storage from outside companies at their own expense, for furniture, refrigerators, etc. The school does not guarantee the safety or security of stored items.
Discipline Guidelines
Community Standards
We expect students to respect the rights and well-being of all individuals and to take responsibility for their actions. We believe that the following expectations and policies inspire positive participation in all areas of the School, promote learning, and encourage the respect for self and for others that lies at the heart of our community. We leave many specific applications of the following rules unstated, taking for granted the honesty and good judgment of our students.
We expect the cooperation of parents and guardians in upholding our standards. We believe that families and the School share the task of establishing the right balance of freedom and responsibility, realistically and consistently, for young people. We will work with students to support their understanding of and adherence to the values and principles of this community.
Students are expected to fully cooperate with any investigation or process in which they are identified as a relevant person. Students may choose to have a trusted Milton Academy adult (e.g. advisor, coach, counselor) present with them during any such proceeding. Failure to cooperate may be subject to disciplinary action.
Milton Academy reserves the right to dismiss any student whose behavior or lack of cooperation is deemed unacceptable, whose parents/guardians no longer have a cooperative relationship with Milton Academy or if either the student or their parents/guardians act contrary to the best interest of the school or otherwise interfere with Milton Academy’s ability to fulfill its educational purpose, in the judgment of the Head of School.
In any situation involving an immediate threat to personal safety of any member of the Milton community or to the property of the Academy, the head of school or upper school principal may order the immediate removal of a student from the campus. Depending upon the facts of the case, the removal may be permanent or may be continued until such time as an appropriate fact-finding proceeding or hearing procedure or both can be arranged.
Philosophy of Discipline
Milton roots its standards of accountability in the belief that, to become their best selves, all adolescents require a caring and structured community in which they feel supported and valued. A healthy approach to discipline, then, should highlight the interconnectedness of our community, revealing something greater about our culture: a need for communication, honesty, inclusivity, empathy and mutual respect. Each disciplinary case is an opportunity for growth, not solely for the student, but for the entire community. Milton expects all students to treat themselves and others with dignity and respect and maintain integrity in all matters.
The philosophy of Milton’s disciplinary process grows out of this expectation. Above all, it should be a learning process, focused on growth and moral development. We understand that mistakes are a critical component of learning and believe that students will grow through the experience of being honest about their choices. These principles are based on students’ and adults’ commitment to collaborating to create a community defined by honesty, respect and compassion.
Major School Rules
The following are major School rules, organized around four guiding principles. Infractions of either the letter or spirit of these rules are serious disciplinary matters and often lead to suspension, dismissal, or other institutional responses. Students in the presence of these rule violations add support by their presence and may also be held accountable.
In general, we are responsible for all students’ behavior when they are under our jurisdiction while School is in session. This includes when a student is:
- on campus or at a School event held off campus, such as the prom or a School trip.
- a boarding student who remains under the School’s jurisdiction except when the student is under parental jurisdiction. Parental jurisdiction includes parents or those designated as guardians and accepted by the School as such.
- a day student in the company of a boarding student or boarding students who are under the School’s jurisdiction; these students are also expected to uphold the standards of the School. Under these circumstances, day students and boarding students who violate School rules should expect to face the equivalent disciplinary response.
This definition notwithstanding, we regard any conduct prejudicial to the best interests of the School, whether on School grounds, off School grounds, or online, while school is in session or during vacation, whether in the case of a day student or a boarding student, as sufficient grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal. Examples of “conduct prejudicial to the Academy” may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- any student who is in certain situations requiring the intervention of the police. This could include the illegal use of drugs or alcohol, shoplifting, vandalism, or presence at or hosting an off-campus party where illegal activity is taking place.
- any student who, while visiting another school or institution, acts in such a way as to cause physical or emotional harm to people or damage to property.
These examples are not meant to be exhaustive, but to communicate the types of situations that could move the School to take disciplinary action.
Act with Honesty and Integrity
Honesty: Honesty is a fundamental expectation of the School, and complete integrity in all matters, personal and academic, is expected of each student. Therefore, dishonesty compromises trust and constitutes a violation of the School’s standards. Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
- lying and deceitful behavior, including any false representation, verbally or in writing (including email messages, text messages, conference postings, blog entries and online postings).
- cheating, including plagiarism, which is the act of taking someone else’s work as your own, and the provision of unauthorized assistance. (Please see Scholarship and Academic Integrity for standards, guidelines and examples of appropriate citation.)
- use of artificial intelligence without permission of the instructor and/or proper citation.
As an educational institution, the School holds all students accountable for complete academic integrity in all matters. Appropriate citation is expected in every assignment, across the School. While teachers will take time to review all expectations on an annual basis, students are accountable at all times for using their own voice. Plagiarism as well as cheating are regarded as major school violations.
Milton Academy recognizes that there is a difference between being honest when confronted and bringing oneself forward, voluntarily subjecting oneself to disciplinary action. We acknowledge that the latter involves a higher degree of personal responsibility and integrity. Truthfulness, even in the face of social pressure, is one of the values the School most wishes to foster.
Theft: Students are expected to respect community property and the property of others, therefore, stealing the property of others, including School property, seriously undermines the qualities of trust necessary in a school and will be considered a major School rule violation.
Vandalism: Students are expected to respect community property and the property of others. Therefore, willful destruction of or damage to the property of others, including School property, seriously undermines the qualities of trust necessary in a school and will be considered a major school violation. Cases of accidental damage or destruction to School property will not warrant disciplinary action, but the student(s) involved will be held responsible for the costs of repair. A student who vandalizes any property of the School, faculty, staff, or another student will be expected to pay for, clean up, repair or replace the damaged property and may be subject to a disciplinary response. This provision includes damage in dorm rooms.
Whereabouts: For safety and accountability, students must keep the School accurately informed of their whereabouts (including the use of Reach) at all times when under the School’s jurisdiction. Leaving campus without signing out is considered a breach of trust and thus a violation of a major School rule (see Leaving the Campus and Signing out to Leave Campus).
Treat Others with Dignity and Respect
Students are expected to uphold the rights and well-being of others. Therefore, impinging on the well-being or violating the rights of others, whether targeting individuals or not, is an unacceptable breach of these standards. While injury or harm can occur in interactions between any individual students or groups of students, the School is mindful of the extra impact that these forms of misconduct may have on historically marginalized groups. The School therefore examines with particular scrutiny any conduct targeting identities and groups protected under state and federal law.
All the offenses below include harms done in person, in written or image form, electronic, etc. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of offensive or derogatory images or language that are perceived as being used to humiliate, mock, or insult a person or particular group of people. Impinging on the rights of others, includes but is not limited to:
Milton Academy prohibits harassment of any kind. The School therefore forbids harassing behavior, including the use of harassing language and images, regardless of the location, time or medium of the harassing behavior, that creates a hostile environment at School for a targeted student; behavior that infringes on the rights or well-being of a targeted student at School; and behavior that materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of the School. This prohibition includes but is not limited to: racial, color, or national origin harassment; religious harassment; sexual harassment or sexual orientation harassment; gender identity harassment; actual or perceived age harassment; disability harassment; harassment based on any other characteristic protected under applicable law.
This conduct is prohibited at all times in all places, on or off campus. In addition, the above prohibitions apply regardless of the medium—for example, and without limitation, in direct personal interactions, in any electronic or voice communication.
Students who feel that they have been the victim of harassment, or who witness or learn of the harassment of another student, are strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Students may also discuss the matter with their advisor, their class deans, a member of the deans’ office or any other adult with whom the student feels comfortable.
Any student found to have harassed another individual will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal.
Please see the Milton Academy Hazing and Harassment Policy in this Handbook’s appendix for more details of the School’s harassment policies.
Milton Academy prohibits hazing. Both the principal organizer and any participant in an act of hazing will be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Consent shall not be available as a defense to hazing. Pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Milton Academy mandates that all students read “An Act Prohibiting the Practice of Hazing” and abide by its provisions (reprinted in this Handbook’s appendix).
Please see the Milton Academy Hazing and Harassment Policy in this Handbook’s appendix for more details of the School’s hazing policies.
Milton Academy prohibits all forms of bullying. The School therefore forbids bullying behavior, regardless of the location, time, or medium of that behavior, that creates a hostile environment at School for a targeted student; infringes on the rights or well-being of a targeted student at School; or materially and substantially disrupts the educational or the orderly operation of the School. As a result, a student may face disciplinary consequences for conduct that occurs off of the School campus and outside of School hours. Most bullying behavior has the following in common:
- it is deliberately hurtful;
- it is repeated, often over a period of time;
- it is difficult for the target of the bully or bullying behaviors to defend themselves against the negative behavior.
Bullying or bullying behavior includes intimidation or harassment that causes a reasonable student to fear for their physical safety or property. Bullying may fall into, but is not limited to, the following categories: physical bullying, verbal bullying, written bullying, psychological bullying, cyber-bullying, racial bullying, and bullying on the basis of gender identity or expression, or on the basis of sexual orientation.
The above prohibitions apply regardless of the medium—for example, and without limitation, in direct personal interactions, in any electronic or voice communication, and on blogs, social networking sites, web forums or other online sites.
Students who feel that they have been the victim of bullying, or who witness or learn of the bullying of another student, are strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Students may also discuss the matter with their advisor, their class deans, a member of the deans’ office or any other adult with whom the student feels comfortable.
Students found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Please see the Milton Academy Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan in this Handbook’s appendix for more details of the School’s policies.
The School prohibits all forms of retaliation. Retaliation is any form of intimidation, reprisal, bullying or harassment directed against a student who reports unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment, or bullying, provides information during an investigation of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment, or bullying, witnesses or has reliable information about any such incident or behavior.
Please see the Milton Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan and the Milton Hazing and Harassment Policy for more details.
Demeaning Language and Images
The School prohibits any student from using words or images that demean or denigrate other individuals on the basis of social identities. This prohibition includes but is not limited to slurs and other demeaning words and images, defacement or use of insulting images related to actual or perceived race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and disability.
This prohibition applies regardless of the medium. Students found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The School prohibits all forms of assault, including sexual assault, and any threats of violence against an individual, a group of individuals, or the School. This prohibition applies regardless of the medium. Students found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
The rules and prohibitions set forth in this section pertain regardless of the medium used, whether the offense takes place in person, in any electronic or voice communication or in blogs, social networking sites, web forums or any other online sites. Students are required and expected to have reviewed and be familiar with the Milton Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan and the Milton Hazing and Harassment Policy, as amended from time to time, and all set forth in this Handbook’s appendix and posted on the Milton website. Adults in the Milton community will be supportive in helping students to seek more information about any of these policies. Students knowingly in the presence of these rule violations add support by their presence and may also be held accountable.
Sexual Misconduct
Milton Academy is committed to providing a safe, respectful and supportive living, learning and working environment, free from sexual misconduct, in which all members of the community can thrive and succeed. The School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy is designed to uphold this commitment and to create a consistent standard for responding to reports and keeping the community safe. The policy, which applies to all members of the community (students, employees and parents), defines key terms, prohibited conduct, and protections related to sexual misconduct. Additionally, the policy outlines relevant protocols and procedures for reporting, investigating and resolving incidents and allegations of sexual misconduct.
Maintain a Safe and Healthy Environment
Illegal Substances
Students are expected to maintain a safe and healthy environment for themselves and others. Any behavior that violates the safety of oneself or others or threatens to violate the safety of oneself or others will make a student liable for disciplinary action, including dismissal.
Alcohol or other drugs: Students are expected to obey state and federal laws, as well as the rules of the School concerning the use of alcohol and illegal drugs, and not to endanger the health and well-being of themselves and others. Therefore, it is not acceptable to:
- Possess, use, distribute, or provide alcohol, marijuana or any drug, which includes, but is not limited to, any controlled substance or anabolic steroid (please note that while possession of small amounts of marijuana has been decriminalized in Massachusetts, it remains a violation of the law for anyone under the age of 21 to possess or use marijuana);
- Misuse or distribute prescription or over-the-counter medications, supplements, or chemical substances, whether one’s own prescription or others’;
- Maintain prescription medication in one’s room without permission of the Faulkner Health Center;
- Return to the jurisdiction of the School showing evidence of having used alcohol or drugs;
- Possess, use, distribute, or provide paraphernalia related to alcohol or drugs (paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to: vaporizers, rolling papers, pipes, or any bottle or container specific for the purpose of holding alcoholic beverages);
- Possess or use any substance known to result in a similar effect as alcohol and other drugs; or
- Knowingly remain in the presence of a violation of any of the foregoing rules.
If the School suspects that a student has been using alcohol or illegal drugs, or is abusing prescription medication prescribed to them or others, the student will normally be taken to the Faulkner Health Center or hospital and undergo a drug test. If the School determines it is necessary, the student’s cell phone and any electronic communications devices may be held by the Faulkner Health Center during this time. Students whose cell phones are being held will be allowed to contact their parents or guardians using the Faulkner Health Center phone.
Further information about the school’s substance use policy can be found in the Drug and Alcohol Policy.
Weapons or Dangerous Substances
The possession or use of weapons or dangerous substances, including fireworks, firearms, firearm or para-military paraphernalia, knives, any other weapons (or associated paraphernalia), or a dangerous item or substance that causes intimidation or threatens the safety and well-being of another constitutes a violation of major School rules and may result in disciplinary action.
Open Flames
The use of any open flame, which includes, but is not limited to, lighted cigarettes, candles, incense, matches and lighters, in any School building, except under faculty or staff supervision, is not permitted. Tampering with fire prevention devices (smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, etc.) puts others at risk and is forbidden. Creating a potential fire hazard is considered a violation of major School rules and will result in disciplinary action.
Be a Positive and Cooperative Member of the Community
Respect for others forms the foundation for our open exchange of ideas and experiences. Freedom of expression carries responsibility and requires that students be mindful of others in all of their personal interactions. In exercising this freedom, a student must not impinge upon the dignity of any other individual. In all activities and interactions, Milton students are expected to be positive and cooperative, holding the rights and well-being of those around them uppermost in their minds. Moreover, students should value the community’s diversity as an opportunity for learning and moral growth.
Students are expected to be positive and cooperative in their dealings with members of the school community. Student behavior may not hinder the learning process or interfere with the experience of others in the classroom, athletic fields, theater, dormitories or any other space hosting a School event. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: deliberate disobedience, sexual activity in a public place, misuse of technology, and/or severe or frequent violation of dorm rules, community standards, or any additional regulations as set forth in this Handbook.
Cellular and Mobile Devices
Use of cell phones is permitted in classrooms only with the explicit approval of the teacher. Use of cell phones and digital music/media players is prohibited during assemblies, performances, and other gatherings. Students should be considerate of those around them and may be asked to excuse themselves from spaces such as the library or dining hall if their use of such devices is disrupting others. Students who misuse their phone or other mobile devices should expect to have their devices confiscated and turned in to the deans’ office.
Cell phones, cameras, and devices with camera or recording capabilities must never be used in locker rooms or bathrooms. Photographs may not be taken and video and audio recordings may not be made in any location without the subject’s explicit permission. Distributing or publishing (physically or electronically) photographs, videos or audio recordings without the subject’s consent is prohibited. Further, sending inappropriate (for example and without limitation, tasteless or obscene) pictures or videos of yourself or others via any medium (for example and without limitation, using text, email, the Internet or social media) is also prohibited. This includes forwarding pictures or videos you have received from another individual, whether or not you know the person depicted in the photo or video. Violating these guidelines may lead to disciplinary action and could, depending on the facts and circumstances, result in prosecution under Massachusetts or federal law.
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of expression is an important value at Milton. The School encourages students to think critically, to question what they see and read, and to know their own minds instead of being passive receivers of ideas. However, freedom of expression carries responsibility and requires that students be mindful of others in all of their personal interactions. In exercising this freedom, a student must not impinge upon the dignity of any other individual. By articulating these values, the School seeks to foster and protect the rights of the individual to express his or her opinions, and to ensure the well-being of the entire community.
Online resources are intended to support the educational mission of the School. Access to these resources is not a right, but a privilege, one that carries responsibility. If a student’s behavior does not meet the standards set by the School, that student may have his or her online privileges suspended or revoked and/or may face disciplinary action.
Students who stand in violation of these communication standards will face standard disciplinary action, including but not limited to:
- loss of online privileges;
- an appearance before a Dean’s Committee; or
- an appearance before a Discipline Committee.
Gambling of any kind is prohibited at School. Gambling activity may result in disciplinary action.
Disciplinary Responses
Discipline cases that may result in suspension or dismissal are generally heard by the faculty-student Discipline Committee (chaired by the dean of students, the academic dean, or a designee), and should take into account, as far as the welfare of the community will allow, such factors, including but not limited to, the needs and age of the individual student, the previous record, and the circumstances of the offense, including how it came to light. However, when in the discretion of the dean of students or academic dean in consultation with the head of school and Upper School principal, the facts and circumstances of a serious discipline case that may result in suspension or dismissal dictate that the hearing involve administrators only, the dean of students may convene an Administrative Discipline Committee (chaired by the dean of students, academic dean, or a designee) to hear the case. Some examples of facts and circumstances that could warrant an Administrative Discipline Committee are when privacy or safety concerns exist based on the issue being considered, or there is a need to hold a hearing on a shortened time frame without sufficient time to convene a Discipline or Dean’s committee.
Students who commit a serious offense for which suspension or dismissal are not considered appropriate responses, (a determination made by the dean of students, the academic dean, or the head of school) generally appear before the Dean’s Committee (chaired by the dean of students, academic dean or a designee). Violations of other School rules that are less serious are generally considered by the dean of students, the academic dean, or their designee. Cases involving a boarding student who demonstrates continued difficulty complying with the rules governing boarding life may be heard by the Boarding Review Committee.
Finally, the head of school retains ultimate authority in every disciplinary matter and always has the discretion to determine the appropriate disciplinary process and response without calling a meeting of any of the discipline committees described above. If the head of school exercises this authority and dictates a process to follow, that process will always provide the student subject to discipline with notice of the charges the student is facing and an opportunity to be heard.
More details regarding the regulations and processes governing the Dean’s Committee, Discipline Committee, Administrative Discipline Committee and Boarding Review Committee can be found in the Appendix.
Off Campus Program Discipline
When a Milton Academy student participates in an off-campus program (a School-sponsored exchange program, a School-sponsored trip, or a year-long or semester program approved by the School), that student still represents the School and is therefore subject to the same rules, disciplinary processes (except as otherwise provided below) and disciplinary consequences that hold for students staying on campus. For this reason, the School views any violation of rules taking place at an off-campus program very seriously.
Any student participating in a School-sponsored exchange program or School-sponsored trip (e.g. French exchange) who is found to have engaged in an activity that would merit an appearance before a Dean’s Committee or one of the Discipline Committees may be asked to appear before that committee upon return to Milton. Such activities may warrant being sent back to Milton immediately, and students will be subject to the same disciplinary consequence they would have been subject to had the activity occurred at Milton.
In cases where a student attending a year-long or semester program approved by the School (e.g. School Year Abroad or the Mountain School) is found to have engaged in an activity that would merit an appearance before a Dean’s Committee or one of the Discipline Committees, the School will normally defer to the program’s disciplinary process and record the instance as though the student appeared before our Dean’s or Discipline Committee. As such, a violation of a School rule that merits possible expulsion may result in expulsion without an appearance before a Discipline Committee.
As with all other disciplinary matters, ultimate authority rests with the head of school who may determine the disciplinary response without a meeting of any of the discipline committees or a Dean’s Committee or deferral to any other process.
A suspension or dismissal resulting from disciplinary infractions committed by a Milton student while the student is participating in an off-campus program is subject to the same communication and reporting procedures outlined in this Handbook.
Some colleges and secondary schools require both the School and the applicant to disclose any disciplinary actions or violations the applicant has incurred. In accordance with our motto, “Dare to be true,” the School will answer these questions truthfully and expects students to do the same. Expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript.
The Dean’s Committee
The Dean’s Committee comprises one or more student leaders and one or more faculty members as selected by the dean of students, academic dean or the designated chair of the committee.
Meetings and Procedure
Members discuss the offense with the student and decide upon a suitable response. Possible outcomes of a Dean’s Committee meeting may include detention, study hall, projects, or other responses as deemed appropriate to the circumstances of the infraction.
The Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee has the authority to make recommendations to the upper school principal. The upper school principal may accept, reject, or modify, in whole or in part, the recommendation from the committee. The Discipline Committee does not establish whether a student has violated School rules, but hears cases of students who admit to breaking School rules.
The head of school reserves the right to determine a disciplinary response without convening a Discipline Committee.
A student coming before the Discipline Committee should expect a response which may include suspension or dismissal. In some cases, the committee may recommend the addition of an educational component to the disciplinary response. A second appearance for the same offense or a third appearance for any reason is likely to result in expulsion.
- For each case, the Discipline Committee will consist of eight members, including four adults and four students.
- The faculty members will include the dean of students, academic dean or their designee as chair, along with selected members of faculty serving on the discipline committee for the duration of the academic year. After consultation with the student who is to appear before the committee, the chair may make appropriate substitutions from within the pool of discipline committee members.
- The student membership will include a head monitor and selected student leaders chosen to serve on the discipline committee. After consultation with the student who is to appear before the committee, the chair may make appropriate substitutions from within the pool of discipline committee members.
- If at any time the full membership of the Discipline Committee cannot be called, the dean, two faculty members and three students can hold a proceeding and make a recommendation to the head of school.
Review of the Facts
- The presiding dean will personally direct or delegate to others the responsibility for making a thorough review of the facts surrounding any case(s) referred to the Discipline Committee.
- In matters of academic integrity, any suspected breach of academic integrity will be reported by the teacher to the appropriate department head. The department head will then investigate the matter and, if a concern exists about possible cheating, will consult the academic dean. The department head and the academic dean will decide together if a case of cheating has taken place and thus merits a student’s appearance before the Discipline Committee. Alternatively, the department head and academic dean might view a matter as a breach of academic integrity that merits an appearance before a Dean’s Committee.
- A statement of each student’s case will be prepared in the three parts listed below:
- A specific charge or charges
- A listing of the previous disciplinary record(s) of the student(s) involved
- Two descriptions of the case; one should be written by the student charged and one should be written by the faculty member most closely involved with the particular offense. Both descriptions should include details regarding time, place, persons involved and other circumstances including how the offense came to light.
- Copies of these statements will be given to the members of the Discipline Committee and to the student(s) involved before the hearing of the case.
- Parents of the student(s) involved will normally be apprised of the situation as soon as possible prior to the hearing of the case by the Discipline Committee.
If significant disagreement exists as to the facts, and if the case requires resolution of the disagreement, the principal, or her designee, together with two faculty members from the Discipline Committee, and two student members of the Discipline Committee will hear the case through a strictly internal process and then make a binding determination as to fact. These findings of fact become the description of the case that is then shared with the Discipline Committee (and takes the place of the two descriptions of the case otherwise written by the student charged and the faculty member involved).
Meetings and Procedure
- Meetings of the Discipline Committee will be called at the discretion of the presiding dean after consultation with others whenever a case might involve suspension or dismissal and in other serious situations.
- The facts of the case will be presented to the committee by the chair and other informed members. A statement of the student’s case as described above will be shared with the committee and the student.
- The student(s) will appear before the committee to discuss the case and to answer questions from the Discipline Committee members. A statement of the student’s case as described above will be shared with the committee and the student. The student will then be asked to wait in a nearby room.
- A student’s advisor should be present during the hearing. The advisor will share a personal perspective and provide a character reference for the student. The advisor will be asked to leave prior to the committee’s discussion of disciplinary response.
- A teacher and/or student may act as a character reference for any student appearing before the committee. Each person giving testimony will make a brief statement about the student’s character (not about the case itself or the discipline process) and will then be asked to leave the meeting.
- The Discipline Committee will determine a recommended response after review of the charge(s), the student’s previous record, and the circumstances of the case, including how it came to light. Items of fact not included in the previous record may not be considered unless the student is granted an opportunity to comment upon them. The committee is guided by the chair to reach a consensus in recommending a particular response to the upper school principal
- The School will not assume travel expenses for a student suspended or dismissed by decision of the Discipline Committee. Parents assume full responsibility for the oversight of the destination of their child during a suspension. In the event that a parent is not available to oversee a child’s suspension, the student must designate a School-approved adult who will act in loco parentis until the student is permitted to return to the School.
- A member of the Discipline Committee will record the proceedings. A statement of the charge and of the penalty will be placed in the student’s folder. This information will be removed from the folder at the time of the student’s graduation.
- A statement of the charge, penalty and other brief comments discussed by the Discipline Committee will be used to report out to the community.
- At the end of the meeting, the chair will remind committee members about the kinds of information they may share with others in the community. The chair will also make clear what is inappropriate to share and therefore should be considered confidential. Students who break the confidentiality of the committee will lose their leadership positions and may face a disciplinary response.
Communication of Response
Following the acceptance by the upper school principal of the recommendation from the discipline committee, the dean of students, academic dean, or designee, will immediately meet with the student(s), advisor(s) or trusted adult(s), and inform all parties of the disciplinary response. A phone call to the student(s) family will be made immediately following the meeting with the student(s).
An email notification will be sent out to relevant members of the school community, which may include but is not limited to the student’s advisor, grade level deans, current classroom teachers, head of school, members of the office of student life, registrar, director of athletics, coach, director of counseling, and director of health center.
Some colleges and secondary schools require both the School and the applicant to disclose any disciplinary actions or violations the applicant has incurred. In accordance with our motto, “Dare to be true,” the School will answer these questions truthfully and expects students to do the same. Expulsion will appear on a student’s transcript.
Administrative Discipline Committee
The Administrative Discipline Committee hears cases of students who admit to breaking School rules. When in the discretion of the dean of students or academic dean in consultation with the Upper School principal, the facts and circumstances of a serious discipline case that may result in suspension or dismissal dictate that the hearing involve administrators only, the dean of students may convene an Administrative Discipline Committee (chaired by the dean of students, academic dean, or a designee) to hear the case. Some examples of facts and circumstances that could warrant an Administrative Discipline Committee are when privacy or safety concerns exist based on the issue being considered, or there is a need to hold a hearing on a shortened time frame without sufficient time to convene a Discipline Committee.
However, the upper school principal may accept, reject, or modify in whole or in part, the recommendation from the committee.
The head of school/upper school principal reveres the right to determine a disciplinary response without convening a Discipline Committee.
The Administrative Discipline Committee is comprised of the dean of students, the academic dean and a member of the upper school administrative team. If any of those members is unavailable another dean may serve in that person’s place.
Review of the Facts
- The presiding dean will personally direct or delegate to others the responsibility for making a thorough review of the facts surrounding any case(s) referred to the Discipline Committee.
- In matters of academic integrity, any suspected breach of academic integrity will be reported by the teacher to the appropriate department head. The department head will then investigate the matter and, if a concern exists about possible cheating, will consult the academic dean. The department head and the academic dean will decide together if a case of cheating has taken place and thus merits a student’s appearance before the Discipline Committee. Alternatively, the department head and academic dean might view a matter as a breach of academic integrity that merits an appearance before a Dean’s Committee.
- A statement of each student’s case will be prepared in the three parts listed below:
- A specific charge or charge
- A listing of the previous disciplinary record(s) of the student(s) involved
- Two descriptions of the case; one should be written by the student charged and one should be written by the faculty member most closely involved with the particular offense. Both descriptions should include details regarding time, place, persons involved and other circumstances including how the offense came to light.
- Copies of these statements will be given to the members of the Administrative Discipline Committee and to the student(s) involved before the hearing of the case.
- Parents of the student(s) involved will normally be apprised of the situation as soon as possible prior to the hearing of the case by the Discipline Committee.
Meetings and Procedure
- Meetings of the Administrative Discipline Committee will be called at the discretion of the dean of students or academic dean after consultation with the upper school principal whenever the facts and circumstances surrounding the case dictate this sort of hearing.
- The facts of the case will be presented to the committee by the chair and other informed members. A statement of the student’s case as described above will be shared with the committee and the student.
- The student(s) will appear before the committee to discuss the case and to answer questions from the Administrative Discipline Committee members. A statement of the student’s case as described above will be shared with the committee and the student. The student will then be asked to wait in a nearby room.
- A student’s advisor should be present during the hearing. The advisor will share a personal perspective and provide a character reference for the student. The advisor will be asked to leave prior to the committee’s discussion of disciplinary response.
- The Discipline Committee will determine a recommended response after review of the charge(s), the student’s previous record, and the circumstances of the case, including how it came to light. Items of fact not included in the previous record may not be considered unless the student is granted an opportunity to comment upon them. The committee is guided by the chair to reach a consensus in recommending a particular response to the upper school principal.
- The School will not assume travel expenses for a student suspended or dismissed by decision of the Discipline Committee. Parents assume full responsibility for the oversight of the destination of their child during a suspension. In the event that a parent is not available to oversee a child’s suspension, the student must designate a School-approved adult who will act in loco parentis until the student is permitted to return to the School.
- The dean of students, academic dean or designee will designate one member of the Administrative Discipline Committee to act as secretary and record the proceedings. A statement of the charge and of the penalty will be placed in the student’s folder. This information will be removed from the folder at the time of the student’s graduation.
At the end of the meeting, the chair will remind committee members about the kinds of information they may share with others in the community. The chair will also make clear what is inappropriate to share and therefore should be considered confidential.
If there is a significant disagreement as to the facts, and if the case requires resolution of the disagreement, the upper principal, or her designee, together with any other dean, will hear the case through a strictly internal process and then make a binding determination as to fact.These findings of fact become the description of the case that is then shared with the Discipline Committee (and takes the place of the two descriptions of the case otherwise written by the student charged and the faculty member involved).
Boarding Review Committee
A boarding student who demonstrates continued difficulty in abiding by the letter and the spirit of the rules governing boarding life may be recommended by the house head for consideration by the Boarding Review Committee (BRC). The BRC is comprised of a member of the dean of students’ office, class dean, house head, advisor and house monitor. The BRC may place a student on boarding probation and may ultimately determine that a student should not continue to reside in a Milton Academy house. In this event, the faculty may vote that the student withdraw from Milton Academy.
Milton Academy Bullying Prevention Plan
Milton Academy (“School” or “Academy”) expects its students, faculty and staff to uphold the rights and well-being of others. Impinging on the well-being of others or violating the rights of others is therefore unacceptable. As a school community, Milton Academy prohibits bullying, physical or verbal assault, hazing, abuse, cruelty, or any sort of harassment and regards such acts as serious disciplinary offenses, as set forth in more detail in this Milton Academy Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan (“Plan”). Students or Academy Staff (as defined below) knowingly in the presence of these rule violations add support by their presence and will also be held accountable.
Bullying and cyber-bullying are prohibited in School buildings, on School grounds, on property immediately adjacent to School grounds, and at School-related or School-sponsored activities, functions or programs, whether on or off School grounds. Bullying and cyber-bullying are also prohibited at School bus stops, on School buses and other vehicles owned, leased or used by the School, and through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased, or used by the School.
In addition, bullying and cyber-bullying are prohibited at a location, activity, function or program that is not School related, in a vehicle that is not owned, leased or used by the School, and through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by the School, if the bullying creates a hostile environment at School for a targeted student; infringes on the rights or well-being of a targeted student at School; or materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of the School.
The School also prohibits retaliation against any person who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, witnesses or has reliable information about bullying, or otherwise assists in the enforcement of this Plan.
The prohibitions set forth above apply regardless of the medium, in direct personal interactions, in any electronic or voice communication, and on blogs, social networking sites, web forums or other online sites.
Definitions of Bullying and Retaliation
For purposes of this Plan, and consistent with Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Law (M.G.L. c. 71, §370), “bullying” shall mean:
“the repeated use by one or more students or by a member of a school staff including, but not limited to, an educator, administrator, school nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combination thereof, directed at a victim that: (i) causes physical or emotional harm to the victim or damage to the victim’s property; (ii) places the victim in reasonable fear of harm to himself or of damage to his property; (iii) creates a hostile environment at school for the victim; (iv) infringes on the rights of the victim at school; or (v) materially and substantially disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school.” Bullying includes cyber-bullying (defined below).
“Cyber-bullying” shall mean:
“bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communication, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images, sounds, data or intelligence of any nature transmitted in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromagnetic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, internet communications, instant messages or facsimile communications. Cyber-bullying shall also include (i) the creation of a Web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person or (ii) the knowing impersonation of another person as the author of posted content or messages, if the creation or impersonation creates any of the conditions enumerated in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of the definition of bullying. Cyber-bullying shall also include the distribution by electronic means of a communication to more than one person or the posting of material on an electronic medium that may be accessed by one or more persons, if the distribution or posting creates any of the conditions enumerated in clauses (i) to (v), inclusive, of the definition of bullying.”
A “hostile environment” shall mean:
“a situation in which bullying causes the school environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule, or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.”
“Retaliation” shall mean:
“any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment directed against a student who reports bullying, provides information during an investigation of bullying, witnesses or has reliable information about bullying.”
Reporting Bullying or Retaliation; Confidentiality; Assistance and Support
Students: Any student who feels that they or any other student has been the victim of an act of bullying or retaliation is strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Student reports of bullying may be made orally or in writing, and/or anonymously, although the School is prohibited from taking any disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report. A student who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Parents/Guardians: The School urges the parents or guardians of a student who is the target of bullying or retaliation or of a student who has witnessed or otherwise has relevant information about bullying or retaliation to promptly notify the dean of students. Furthermore, any parent or guardian who has witnessed or otherwise has relevant information about bullying or retaliation or feels that any student has been the victim of an act of bullying or retaliation is strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Such reports of bullying or retaliation may be made orally or in writing and/or anonymously, although the School is prohibited from taking any disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
Faculty and Staff: Every person who is employed by the School in any capacity, including for example and without limitation, an educator, administrator, School nurse, cafeteria worker, custodian, bus driver, athletic coach, advisor to an extracurricular activity or paraprofessional (collectively referred to in this Policy as “Academy Staff”), must immediately report any act of bullying or retaliation that the person witnesses or otherwise becomes aware of to the dean of students. Reports of bullying or retaliation may be made orally or in writing, but Academy Staff may not make reports under this Plan anonymously. An Academy Staff member who knowingly makes a false accusation of bullying or retaliation or who fails to immediately report an instance of bullying or retaliation of which he or she is aware will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Assistance/Support in Reporting: Counselors are available to assist anyone needing support in reporting any prohibited activity under this Plan.
Confidentiality: Because information must be shared in order to conduct effective investigations under this Plan, the School cannot promise strict confidentiality to individuals reporting allegations of violations of this Plan. However, the School will only release information concerning complaints of bullying, cyber-bullying and retaliation on a legitimate need to know basis.
Vulnerable Populations
The School recognizes that certain students may be more vulnerable to becoming a target of bullying or harassment based on actual or perceived differentiating characteristics, including race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, socioeconomic status, homelessness, academic status, gender identity or expression, physical appearance, pregnant or parenting status, sexual orientation, mental, physical, developmental or sensory disability or by association with a person who has or is perceived to have one or more of these characteristics.
The School shall take steps to support these vulnerable students and to provide all students with the skills, knowledge and strategies needed to prevent or respond to bullying or harassment, such as, without limitation, setting clear expectations for students; creating safe School and classroom environments for all students, including students in vulnerable populations; using appropriate and positive responses and reinforcement, even when students require discipline; encouraging adults to develop positive relationships with students; and supporting students’ interest and participation in non-academic and extracurricular activities, particularly in their areas of strength.
School Response to Allegations of Bullying or Retaliation
Investigation: Once any complaint of bullying or retaliation is received, the dean of students or designee will promptly conduct an impartial investigation of the complaint. The nature and extent of the investigation will depend upon the circumstances of the complaint and may include, without limitation, interviews with: the person who made the complaint; the student who was the target of the alleged bullying or retaliation; the person or persons against whom the complaint was made; any students, Academy Staff or other person who witnessed or who may otherwise have relevant information about the alleged incident or the involved student(s); and the School’s mental health professionals.
Whenever possible, complaints of bullying and retaliation shall be investigated and handled in accordance with the normal processes and channels followed by Milton Academy for a violation of Academy rules and policies, as outlined in the Academy handbooks.
Protection of Victim and Persons Reporting Bullying: Upon receipt of allegations of bullying or retaliation and before fully investigating the allegations, the dean of students or designee will promptly take the following actions:
- Assess the victim’s need for protection and take appropriate steps as necessary to restore a sense of safety for that student and/or to protect him or her from possible further incidents.
- Where applicable, also assess the need for protection and take appropriate steps to protect from bullying or retaliation the person who reported the bullying, provided information during an investigation of bullying or witnessed or has reliable information about an act of bullying. Responses to promote safety of the above individuals may include for example and without limitation, creating a personal safety plan; pre-determining seating arrangements for the target and perpetrator in the classroom, at lunch or on the bus; identifying an Academy Staff member who will act as a “safe person” for the target; and altering the aggressor’s schedule and access to the target.
Required Notifications: If the investigation determines that the bullying or retaliation did occur, the dean of students or designee will take the following actions:
- Promptly notify the parents or guardians of the victim of the determination and, to the extent consistent with state and federal law, of any action taken to prevent any further acts of bullying or retaliation.
- Promptly notify the parents or guardians of the alleged perpetrator(s) of the determination.
- Immediately notify local law enforcement, if the dean of students has a reasonable basis to believe that criminal charges may be pursued against a perpetrator. Depending on the nature of the conduct, bullying may involve, for example, crimes related to stalking; making threats; harassment; or making harassing, annoying or molesting electronic communications. Retaliation or threats of retaliation may involve, for example, the crime of witness intimidation.
- Promptly notify (via telephone) the appropriate administrator of another school if an incident of bullying or retaliation involves a student from that school. All communications shall be in accordance with applicable state and federal privacy laws and regulations.
- Promptly notify law enforcement if an incident of bullying or retaliation which occurs on School grounds involves a former Academy student under the age of 21 who is no longer enrolled at the School.
- Within a reasonable period of time following the determination of bullying or retaliation and the implementation of the remedial and/or disciplinary action, and periodically thereafter throughout the remainder of the year, the dean of students or designee shall check-in with the victim to determine whether there has been a recurrence of the prohibited conduct and whether additional supportive measures are needed. If additional supportive measures are needed, the dean of students, Lower or Middle School principal or designee will work with appropriate school staff to implement those measures immediately.
Determination and Disciplinary Response: If the dean of students or designee determines that bullying or retaliation has occurred, that any other element of this Plan has been violated, or that any other School rule has been violated, the dean of students or designee will make a recommendation to the head of school regarding what disciplinary action and/or other remedial action is appropriate and how it should be implemented. The head of school may follow this recommendation and direct the dean of students or designee to implement the recommended action, or determine that a different disciplinary action and/or remedial action is more appropriate and direct the dean of students or designee to implement that different action.* Disciplinary action imposed for bullying or retaliation may include any form of discipline that the School imposes for other violations of its rules and policies, up to and including dismissal, provided that it balances the need for accountability with the need to teach appropriate behavior.
*The head of school retains final authority over all disciplinary matters at Milton Academy and may, in his or her discretion, make all final decisions regarding discipline, including the decision in any instance and for any reason to exercise jurisdiction over a disciplinary matter rather than referring the matter to the Academy’s normal disciplinary channels, or any committee or person.
When the School determines it is necessary, the School, in consultation with the School’s counseling staff, may provide the perpetrators, victims or family members of such students with counseling or other services that it determines would be helpful, or a referral to such services.
It is important to note that students at Milton Academy may be held to standards of behavior under Milton Academy’s Major School Rules or other codes of conduct which are actually stricter than those set forth in this Plan. Because of these standards, conduct which may not necessarily qualify as “bullying” as it is defined under this Plan may still be subject to discipline. For example, although the Plan (consistent with state law) defines bullying as “repeated use” of certain expressions, acts, and/or gestures, the School reserves the right to apply disciplinary measures or other remedial action following a single act of those expressions, acts and/or gestures, if the School determines that act is of sufficient severity to warrant the disciplinary measures or other remedial action under the Academy’s Major School Rules or other rules of conduct.
Record Keeping: For all reports of bullying or retaliation, the dean of students will keep a file of the report, the investigation, and any steps taken in response to a finding of bullying or retaliation.
Notification of Plan and Training on Plan
The School will provide written notice of this Plan to students and parents/guardians at least annually. Relevant student-related portions of the Plan will be included in the Student Handbook.
The School will post the entire Plan on its website.
The School will provide written notice of, and training on, this Plan for all faculty and staff at least annually. The training at a minimum will include a review of the reporting obligations for all faculty and staff and the processes that the School will follow in response to a report of bullying or retaliation.
The Plan, or those portions relating to the duties of faculty and staff, will be included in the Employee Handbook.
The School will inform parents and guardians about the School’s bullying prevention and intervention curricula, including without limitation: (1) how parents and guardians can reinforce the curriculum at home and support the School’s Plan; (2) the dynamics of bullying; and (3) online safety and cyber-bullying.
Reviewing and Updating the Plan; Consultation
The Plan will be updated at least once every two years. In connection with that update, the dean of students or designee will be responsible for reviewing the Plan, reviewing the file of reported incidents of bullying or retaliation in at least the preceding two years, and undertaking such other steps as may be appropriate to evaluate the effectiveness of the Plan and the School’s compliance with the Plan and any laws or regulations relating thereto. In addition, prior to each biennial update of the Plan, the dean of students or designee shall consult with families that have a child attending the School regarding the proposed Plan update by providing those families with notice of the proposed Plan update and a comment period on the same.
This Plan is intended to: (1) prevent bullying or retaliation among Academy students; (2) encourage students and their parents to have confidence in the School’s procedures and to come forward promptly whenever a student is subject to conduct that is prohibited by this Plan or any other School policy; and (3) implement appropriate discipline and other corrective measures which are found to be warranted.
Milton Academy Upper School Hazing and Harassment Policy
Milton Academy (“School” or “Academy”) is committed to providing a safe, respectful, and supportive learning and living environment in which all students can thrive and succeed at Milton. The Academy prohibits unlawful discrimination and harassment on the basis of actual or perceived age, race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected class and ensures that all students have equal rights of access and equal enjoyment of the opportunities, advantages, privileges, and courses of study available at Milton. Please note that all matters related to sexual harassment fall under Milton Academy’s standalone Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Milton Academy prohibits unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment and retaliation, all as defined in the “Definitions” section below and described in more detail in this Policy.
Unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment and retaliation are prohibited in School buildings, on School grounds, on property immediately adjacent to School grounds, and at School-related or School-sponsored activities, functions or programs, whether on or off School grounds. Unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment and retaliation are also prohibited at School bus stops, on School buses and other vehicles owned, leased or used by the School, and through the use of technology or an electronic device owned, leased, or used by the School.
In addition, unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment and retaliation are prohibited at a location, activity, function or program that is not School related, in a vehicle that is not owned, leased or used by the School, and through the use of technology or an electronic device that is not owned, leased, or used by the School, if the unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation creates a hostile environment at School for a targeted student; infringes on the rights or well being of a targeted student at School; or materially and substantially disrupts the educational process or the orderly operation of the School.
When imposing disciplinary consequences for hazing, both the principal organizer and any participant in the hazing are subject to punishment. Consent shall not be available as a defense to hazing.
The prohibitions set forth above apply regardless of the medium – for example and without limitation, in direct personal interactions, in any electronic or voice communication, and on blogs, social networking sites, Web-forums or other online sites.
Students or Academy staff (as defined below) knowingly in the presence of these rule violations add support by their presence and will also be held accountable.
When used in this Policy, the following terms have the meaning ascribed to them below.
Unlawful Discrimination: Unlawful discrimination means the denial of equal educational opportunities based upon an individual’s actual or perceived age, race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected class. The School is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations requested based on any disability as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Hazing: Hazing means any conduct or method of initiation into any dorm, team, student association, student group, student organization, or similar whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health of any such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation. (See Massachusetts Hazing Law attached to this Policy.)
Harassment: Harassment, generally, means unwelcome conduct or behavior that is personally offensive or threatening and that has the effect of impairing morale, interfering with a student’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational environment. Several more specific forms of harassment are defined and described in additional detail below.
Harassment can occur between two individuals or groups of individuals and can occur via any medium of communication – for example and without limitation, verbal, written, email, text messages, and postings on the Internet or social media (whether anonymous or authored). Forms of harassment include, but are not limited to, written and oral remarks, remarks posted online or to the campus computer network and messages left on voicemail systems.
Sexual Harassment: A form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome advances, requests or conduct of a sexual nature when: (1) submission to or rejection of such advances, requests or conduct are made an explicit or implicit term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic status, or a basis for the evaluation of an academic; or (2) such advances, requests or conduct have the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s employment or education by creating a hostile, intimidating, humiliating, demeaning or sexually offensive work, educational, residential or social environment. Please see Milton Academy’s standalone Sexual Misconduct Policy for additional information.
Sexual Orientation Harassment: Sexual orientation harassment is harassment on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived sexual orientation and includes, without limitation, the use of names or nicknames emphasizing sexual stereotypes, and imitating physical characteristics or mannerisms associated with a person’s sexual orientation.
Gender Identity Harassment: Gender identity harassment is harassment on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived gender identity and includes, without limitation, the use of names or nicknames emphasizing gender stereotypes, and imitating physical characteristics or mannerisms associated with a person’s gender identity.
Disability Harassment: Disability harassment is harassment based on a person’s actual or perceived physical and/or mental disability and includes, without limitation, name calling, making derogatory references to the disabling condition, imitating the manners of speech and/or movement associated with the disability, or interfering with access to or use of necessary adaptive equipment or aides.
Racial, Color and National Origin Harassment: Racial, color and national origin harassment is harassment on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived race, color or national origin and includes, without limitation, the use of nicknames emphasizing racial stereotypes; racial slurs; and derogatory comments or conduct directed at an individual’s manner of speaking, national customs, surname, ethnic characteristics or language.
Religious Harassment: Religious harassment is harassment on the basis of a person’s actual or perceived religion or creed and includes, without limitation, the use of nicknames emphasizing religious stereotypes; religious slurs; and derogatory comments or conduct directed at an individual’s religion, religious traditions, religious symbols or religious clothing.
Hostile Environment: A hostile environment exists when harassment causes the School environment to be permeated with intimidation, ridicule or insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to alter the conditions of a student’s education.
Retaliation: Retaliation is any form of intimidation, reprisal, bullying or harassment directed against a student who reports unlawful discrimination, hazing or harassment, provides information during an investigation of unlawful discrimination, hazing or harassment, witnesses, has reliable information about unlawful discrimination, hazing or harassment or otherwise assists in the enforcement of this Policy.
Reporting Unlawful Discrimination, Hazing, Harassment or Retaliation; Confidentiality
Students: Any student who witnesses or feels that he or she or any other student has been the victim of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation is strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Student reports of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation may be made orally or in writing (via email or otherwise), and/or anonymously, although the School is prohibited from taking any disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report. A student who knowingly makes a false accusation of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Parents/Guardians: The School urges the parents or guardians of a student who is the target of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation or of a student who has witnessed or otherwise has relevant information about unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation to promptly notify the dean of students. Furthermore, any parent or guardian who has witnessed or otherwise has relevant information about unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation or feels that any student has been the victim of an act of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation is strongly encouraged to report the matter promptly to the dean of students. Such reports of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation may be made orally or in writing and/or anonymously, although the School is prohibited from taking any disciplinary action against a student solely on the basis of an anonymous report.
Faculty and Staff: Every person who is employed by the School in any capacity (collectively referred to in this Policy as “Academy staff”), must immediately report any act of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation that the person witnesses or otherwise becomes aware of to the dean of students. Reports of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation may be made orally or in writing, but Academy staff may not make reports under this Policy anonymously. An Academy staff member who knowingly makes a false accusation of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation or who fails to immediately report an instance of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation of which he or she is aware will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Alternative Outlets; Assistance/Support in Reporting: Any student, parent or Academy staff member who does not feel comfortable reporting unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation to the dean of students for any reason, may make their report to the head of school, Academy Counsel or chief human resources officer instead. The same reporting procedures and limitations described above, apply to any such report made. In addition, counselors are available in the Upper School to assist anyone needing support in reporting any prohibited activity under this Policy.
Confidentiality: Because information must be shared in order to conduct effective investigations under this Policy, the School cannot promise strict confidentiality to individuals reporting allegations of violations of this Policy. However, the School will only release information concerning complaints of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment and retaliation on a legitimate need-to-know basis and will do its best to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of all parties, when requested, to the extent practicable. In all cases, issues of confidentiality must be balanced against the School’s need to investigate and take appropriate action and will be considered in light of the School’s responsibility to provide a safe, healthy and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, including the student who reported the unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation.
School Response to Allegations of Unlawful Discrimination, Hazing, Harassment or Retaliation
Investigation: Once a complaint of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation is received, the dean of students or designee will promptly conduct an impartial investigation of the complaint. The nature and extent of the investigation will depend upon the circumstances of the complaint and may include, without limitation, interviews with: the person who made the complaint; the student who was the target of the unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation; the person or persons against whom the complaint was made; any students, Academy staff or other person who witnessed or who may otherwise have relevant information about the alleged incident or the involved student(s); and the School’s mental health professionals. The investigation will be handled in as expeditious a manner as possible, given the facts and circumstances.
Determination of Disciplinary Process and Response: Upon completion of the investigation, the dean of students or designee shall prepare a written report outlining his conclusion(s) and the findings on which they are based. If unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation is found to have occurred, the dean of students will confer with the Upper School principal and head of school to determine the appropriate disciplinary process to follow (e.g., Dean’s Committee, Discipline Committee, Administrative Discipline Committee or some other process,* depending on the severity of the offense), and shall ensure that such process is promptly commenced. Disciplinary consequences imposed for unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation may include any form of discipline that the School imposes for other violations of its rules and policies, up to and including dismissal, provided that it balances the need for accountability with the need to teach appropriate behavior.
*The head of school retains final authority over all disciplinary matters at Milton Academy and may, in his or her discretion, make all final decisions regarding discipline, including the decision in any instance and for any reason to exercise jurisdiction over a disciplinary matter rather than referring the matter to the Academy’s normal disciplinary channels, or any committee or person.
Protection of Victim and Persons Reporting Unlawful Discrimination, Hazing, Harassment or Retaliation: Upon receipt of allegations of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation, and before fully investigating the allegations, the dean of students or designee will work with the victim to assess their need for protection and take appropriate steps as necessary to restore a sense of safety for that student and/or to protect him or her from possible further incidents.
Where applicable, the dean of students or designee will also assess the need for protection and take appropriate steps to protect any person who reported, witnessed or provided information regarding the unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation during the investigation from further unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation. Responses to promote safety of the above individuals may include for example and without limitation, creating a personal safety plan; pre-determining seating arrangements for the target and perpetrator in the classroom, at lunch or on the bus; identifying an Academy staff member who will act as a “safe person” for the target; and altering the aggressor’s schedule and access to the target.
Record Keeping: For all reports of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation, the dean of students will keep a confidential file containing the report, the investigation, and any steps taken in response to a finding of unlawful discrimination, hazing, harassment or retaliation.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Hazing Law
GENERAL LAWS 269:17, 18, 19
Section 17. Whoever is a principal organizer or participant in the crime of hazing, as defined herein, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three thousand dollars or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than one, [sic] year, or both such fine and imprisonment.
The term “hazing’’ as used in this section and in sections eighteen and nineteen, shall mean any conduct or method of initiation into any student organization, whether on public or private property, which willfully or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health of any student or other person. Such conduct shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced calisthenics, exposure to the weather, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug or other substance, or any other brutal treatment or forced physical activity which is likely to adversely affect the physical health of any such student or other person, or which subjects such student or other person to extreme mental stress, including extended deprivation of sleep or rest or extended isolation.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section to the contrary, consent shall not be available as a defense to any prosecution under this action.
Section 18. Whoever knows that another person is the victim of hazing as defined in section seventeen and is at the scene of such crime shall, to the extent that such person can do so without danger or peril to himself or others, report such crime to an appropriate law enforcement official as soon as reasonably practicable. Whoever fails to report such crime shall be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars.
269:19 Copy of secs. 17-19; issuance to students and student groups, teams and organizations; report
Section 19. Each institution of secondary education and each public and private institution of post-secondary education shall issue to every student group, student team or student organization which is part of such institution or is recognized by the institution or permitted by the institution to use its name or facilities or is known by the institution to exist as an unaffiliated student group, student team, or student organization, a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen; provided, however, that an institution’s compliance with this section’s requirements that an institution issue copies of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to unaffiliated student groups, teams, or organizations shall not constitute evidence of the institution’s recognition or endorsement of said unaffiliated student groups, teams or organizations.
Each such group, team or organization shall distribute a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen to each of its members, plebes, pledges or applicants for membership. It shall be the duty of each such group, team or organization, acting through its designated officer, to deliver annually, to the institution an attested acknowledgement stating that such group, team or organization has received a copy of this section and said sections seventeen and eighteen, that each of its member, plebes, pledges, or applicants has received a copy of sections seventeen and eighteen, and that such group, team or organization understands and agrees to comply with the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen.
Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post-secondary education shall, at least annually, before or at the start of enrollment, deliver to each person who enrolls as a full time student in such institution a copy of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen.
Each institution of secondary education and each public or private institution of post-secondary education shall file, at least annually, a report with the regents of higher education and in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education, certifying that such institution has complied with its responsibility to inform student groups, teams or organizations and to notify each full time student enrolled by it of the provisions of this section and sections seventeen and eighteen and also certifying that said institution has adopted a disciplinary policy with regard to the organizers and participants of hazing, and that such policy has been set forth with appropriate emphasis in the student Handbook or similar means of communication the institution’s policies to its students. The board of regents and, in the case of secondary institutions, the board of education shall promulgate regulations governing the content and frequency of such reports, and shall forthwith report to the attorney general any such institution which fails to make such report.
Diversity Glossary
Language is powerful and significantly informs how we live and communicate. To help you navigate our richly diverse Milton community and engage in thoughtful and meaningful discourse with one another, we offer you some basic campus vocabulary. Please consider the following definitions as a starting point. Because language constantly evolves, we encourage you to search for the appropriate words and continue to investigate and expand your awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the wide tapestry that makes up the Milton community and the world.
Ableism: The system of oppression based on ability. Assumes people with disabilities as flawed, insufficient, and inferior. Includes assumptions about what is “normal” and results in the marginalization of people with disabilities.
Acculturation: The process of learning and incorporating the language, values, beliefs, and behaviors that make up a distinct culture. This concept is not to be confused with assimilation, where an individual, family, or group may give up certain aspects of their own culture in order to adapt to that of their new host country.
Anti-Semitism: Acts and attitudes of prejudice or discrimination against people of Jewish faith or descent.
Cisgender: A person whose gender identity corresponds with the biological sex the person had at birth.
Class: As in upper, middle, lower class, working class; refers to people’s socioeconomic status based on factors such as wealth, occupation, education, income.
Classism: The system of oppression on the basis of social class. Includes individual attitudes and behaviors, as well as policies and practices that are set up to benefit the upper classes at the expense of the lower classes.
Cultural Competence: The ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures and ethnic backgrounds.
Cultural Appropriation: Acts or behaviors of taking or using expressions of culture not one’s own, especially when used for profit and/or without demonstrating understanding of or appreciation for cultural relevance.
Disability: A condition or function judged to be significantly impaired relative to the usual standard of an individual or group. The term is used to refer to individual functioning, including physical impairment, sensory impairment, cognitive impairment, intellectual impairment, mental illness, and various types of chronic diseases.
Discrimination: Actions, based on conscious or unconscious prejudice, that favor one group over others in the provision of goods, services, or opportunities; unfavorable or unfair treatment toward an individual or group based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, physical/mental abilities, or sexual orientation.
Diversity: The recognition of differences among people. These differences include but are not limited to ethnicity, religion, age, gender, class, culture, cognitive ability, physical ability, life experiences, family situations, and sexual orientation.
Equity: The guarantee of fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all students, faculty, and staff, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. The principle of equity acknowledges that there are historically underserved and underrepresented populations and that fairness regarding these unbalanced conditions is needed to assist equality in the provision of effective opportunities to all groups.
Ethnicity: A social construct that divides people into groups based on characteristics such as a shared sense of group identity, values, culture, language, history, ancestry, and geography.
Feminism: A movement to end sexism and oppression based on gender and gender identity; with
its origin in the ongoing movement for women’s rights, feminism is the belief that people of all genders should have equal opportunities and equal economic, political, social and personal rights.
Gay/Lesbian: Words used to describe people who are emotionally, romantically, and/or physically attracted to some members of the same sex and/or gender.
Gender: A noun that can be usefully divided into two separate concepts. First, gender identity describes a person’s own internal—and often deeply held—sense of their gender. Many people have a gender identity of “man” or “woman” (or “boy” or “girl”), but for many others, their gender identity does not fit neatly into one of those two categories. Second, gender expression describes external manifestations of gender, including behavior, name, preferred pronouns, clothing, hairstyle, voice, and/or body characteristics. Society identifies these cues as masculine and feminine, although what is considered masculine and feminine changes over time and varies by culture. Gender expression should not be viewed as an indication of sexual orientation.
Global Awareness: The understanding of world and cultural perspectives. Awareness broadens from learning from and working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, work, and community contexts.
Heteronormative: Denoting or relating to a worldview that naturalizes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.
Heterosexism: The system of oppression that assumes heterosexuality as the norm, favors heterosexuals, and denigrates and stigmatizes anyone whose gender or sexual behavior is considered non-heterosexual.
Inclusion: The act of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate. An inclusive and welcoming climate embraces differences and offers respect in words and actions for all people.
Intercultural Competence: The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts with people across cultures.
Intersectionality: The idea that classifications such as gender, race, and class—and others—cannot be examined in isolation from one another; they interact and intersect in individuals’ lives and in social systems and are mutually constitutive.
Islamophobia: Fear and/or dislike of Islam or people of the Muslim faith.
LGBTQIA+: An acronym that strives to include all non-heteronormative sexual and/or gender identities, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, agender, and more.
Male Privilege: A set of benefits, including greater access to resources and power, which in many institutional contexts tend to be, and historically have been, bestowed upon men solely on the basis of their sex.
Microaggressions: Subtle words, cues, and/or behaviors that insult, invalidate, or exclude historically marginalized group members. The long-term effect of microaggressions can have a significant negative impact on one’s health.
Oppression: In this context, the systemic devaluing, undermining, marginalizing, and disadvantaging of certain social identities in contrast to the privileged norm; when some people are denied something of value, while others have ready access.
Prejudice: A preconceived judgment about a person or group of people, usually indicating negative bias.
Privilege: A set of benefits, including greater access to resources and power, which in many institutional contexts tend to be, and historically have been, bestowed upon certain social identities over others.
Race: A social construct that divides people in groups based on factors such as physical appearance, ancestry, culture, history, etc.; a social, historical, and political classification system.
Racism: A system of oppression involving subordination of members of targeted racial groups by those who have relatively more social power. This subordination occurs at the individual, cultural, and institutional levels.
Sexism: A system of sex oppression that privileges men, subordinates women, and denigrates women-identified value. This subordination occurs at the individual, cultural, and institutional levels.
Sexual Orientation: A noun that describes an individual’s enduring physical, romantic, and/or emotional attractions. Some people experience their sexual orientation as static throughout life, while others experience it as changing or even fluid. Sexual orientation is different from gender identity and gender expression.
Transgender: An adjective used as an umbrella term to describe people whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from what is typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. Being transgender does not indicate one’s sexual orientation.
Unconscious/Implicit Bias: A positive or negative mental attitude, held at an unconscious level, toward a person, thing, or group.
White Privilege: A set of benefits, including greater access to resources and power, which in many institutional contexts tend to be, and historically have been, bestowed upon people classified as white.
Xenophobia: Fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.
Constitution of The Milton Academy Self-Governing Association
We, the students of the Milton Academy Upper School, under the grant of power given to us by the faculty and administration of this School for the purpose of self-representation, discipline and responsibility, do hereby endorse this constitution of the Self-Governing Association of Milton Academy Upper School students.
I. Name
The name of this association shall be the Self-Governing Association (S.G.A.) of Milton Academy Upper School Students.
II. Membership
Upon entrance to Milton Academy Upper School, students shall become members of the S.G.A, and this membership shall be formalized in the Book Signing Ceremony. Membership to S.G.A. shall express an awareness of the individual and collective obligations of all students for upholding the school standards of self-discipline and responsibility. No student is exempt from these responsibilities. The privileges of membership in the S.G.A. shall include the right to cast a single vote for all Council officer elections, as well as the right to attend all meetings of the S.G.A. Council, and also, but not exclusively, the right to representation in any faculty, administration, or trustee committee upon invitation. Membership on the S.G.A. Council is held by those members of S.G.A. elected by their peers as mentioned in Article V of this document.
III. Rights of Self-Government
- The right of student self-government is granted by the administration of Milton Academy, provided that the S.G.A. maintains the standards of the Academy.
- Each member of the Self-Governing Association is entitled to self-representation before a Discipline Committee.
- The conclusions of Discipline Committees will be announced before all members of the S.G.A. in morning assemblies.
IV. Composition of the Council
The S.G.A. Council shall be a representative body comprising the officers, mentioned in Article V, elected by the members of the S.G.A. The council shall be led by the co-head monitors.
V. Officers and Duties
The officers listed below are considered members of the S.G.A. Council and are required to attend weekly S.G.A. meetings to represent the interests of their respective constituencies as well as lead their respective elections for the following year.
Two Upper School students who identify as different genders, both Co-Head Monitors: members of Class I, elected by the members of the S.G.A., shall be the leaders of the Council. They shall call and run meetings of the Council and of the Association, work closely with the co-day monitors, co-boarding monitors and administration, as well as serve on the Discipline Committee. The co-head monitors shall serve as liaisons between students, faculty, and administration and shall attend weekly meetings with the S.G.A. faculty advisors and the dean of students. At the discretion of the co-head monitors, a student shall be appointed as secretary to record the happenings during S.G.A. council meetings.
By Memorial Day of their Class II year, the Head Monitors will submit a Statement of Values and Principles to be ratified by the S.G.A. Council. This statement will consist of a list of the primary values or concepts most important to the Association in the given school year. The document will reflect the needs of the community and the objectives of the Association. Throughout the year, the Statement of Values and Principles will be used to guide S.G.A.’s decisions and actions. Upon ratification by a two-thirds majority of the S.G.A. officers, the Statement of Values and Principles must be signed by the head monitors, the S.G.A. advisors, the dean of students, Upper School principal, and the head of school. Copies of the document will be posted on the S.G.A. board in the Student Center, and in the head monitors’ office.
Co-Boarding Monitors: One girl, one boy, both boarding students of Class I, elected by the boarding student members of the S.G.A., shall call and run meetings of the Boarding Council in conjunction with the associate dean of students. Boarding monitors are encouraged to run in the new election of the co-head monitor position should that position become vacant.
Co-Day Monitors: Two Upper School students who identify as different genders, both day students of Class I, elected by the day student members of the S.G.A., shall call and run meetings of the Day Council in conjunction with the associate dean of students.
Class Councilors: Two Upper School students who identify as different genders, shall be elected by each class to run class meetings, work closely with the class deans and represent the interests of their class to the S.G.A. Council. The councilors of Class I are encouraged to run in the new election of the co-head monitor position should that position become vacant. Two additional representatives, one girl and one boy, also known as half-year reps, can be voted in on a semester basis at the discretion of the class councilors and class deans.
Faculty Advisors: Two members of the faculty shall be chosen by the Council to guide the Council, to attend weekly meetings with the co-head monitors and the dean of students, and to oversee spring elections. In addition, the advisors shall represent the best interest of the S.G.A. in School meetings at which Council members are not present.
VI. Boarding and Day Councils
Boarding Council
The Boarding Council shall be composed of the co-boarding monitors and the house monitor of each house. The Council will meet at least once every two weeks to discuss issues pertaining to residential life, write and present proposals to the administration, and plan events for boarding students.
The house monitor will be elected through a student centered, but house-specific, process. House monitors will preside over the House Council. The house monitors shall be a liaison between students and faculty of their house and between their house and the broader residential community. In the event that a house monitor loses their position or resigns, the position will be filled through a house-specific process.
House Council: Each house shall have a house Council composed of the house monitor and at least one representative from each Class.
House Council meetings shall be held at least once a month and will be led by the house monitor. The House Council shall plan house events, work with the house community to resolve house issues and respond to student and faculty concerns.
Day Council
The Day Council shall be composed of the co-day monitors and two representatives, two Upper School students who identify as different genders, from each of the Classes II–IV. The Council shall meet at least once every two weeks to discuss issues pertaining to the day student community as well as to write and present proposals to the administration. In the event that a Day Council member loses their position or resigns, a replacement shall be elected by a new election within that Class.
VII. Elections
All candidates for positions on the Council shall nominate themselves at a designated time in the early spring and shall complete the nomination form. Before voting, all candidates will individually reveal, in confidentiality, their gender identity to a counselor appointed by the current head monitors. The options for gender identity would be: boy, girl, non-binary and gender non-conforming. All candidates would run in the same pool. After voting concludes, the candidates will be ranked by number of votes. The appointed candidates will be: the individual with the most votes overall, and the individual of a different gender identity with the most votes. The gender identities of each candidate will not be explicitly revealed to the student body.
Elections for the co-head monitors shall be held before the entire Upper School and run by the standing co-head monitors. Elections for co-boarding monitors shall be held before the boarding community and run by the standing co-boarding monitors, and elections for the co-day monitors shall be held before the day community and run by standing co-day monitors.
- Voting will consist of a single transferable ballot, or assigning numbers of preference to the candidates in descending order (i.e., 1 is your most preferred choice).
- The ballot will include the following choices:
- the name of each nominated candidate
- an opportunity to abstain from voting in that particular election
VIII. Meetings
Meetings of the Association shall be called by either of the co-head monitors at their discretion. A quorum, for voting purposes, shall consist of a majority of the association in attendance on any school day.
Meetings of the Council shall be called by either co-head monitor and at their discretion. A quorum, for voting purposes, shall consist of both co-head monitors and two thirds of the remaining Council members. The Council may go into executive (closed) session.
IX. Amendments and Discipline
Any member of the Association may submit to the Council a proposal for an amendment to this constitution. If changes to this constitution are necessary, revision and ratification must ensue. The amendment must be ratified by two-thirds majority vote of the S.G.A. Council and a majority vote of the association. With the ratification and enactment of this constitution, all previous constitutions of the S.G.A. will be rendered null and void. The newly ratified constitution will be signed by the co-head monitors, the faculty advisors, the dean of students, and the head of school. The date of ratification will be recorded above the signatures.
Three unexcused absences from S.G.A. meetings per semester will result in disciplinary action within the Council. A breach of any School regulation that results in a Discipline Committee or administrative action shall result in loss of position. Once a Council member loses his or her position, he or she may not run in the re-election for that position or in any election that occurs in the 12 weeks following his or her Discipline Committee meeting, in accordance with the Upper School Student Handbook.
If, for any reason, an officer’s seat becomes vacant, the position shall be filled by the following procedure:
- A co-head monitor will be replaced by a Class I student in an election voted on by the S.G.A. The replacement candidate must be of a different gender than the remaining head monitor.
- A co-boarding monitor will be replaced by a Class I boarding student of the same gender. Should the vacancy occur in the time period between spring elections and the first interim grading period, the position will be filled through an election voted on by the boarding student body.Should the vacancy occur after the first interim grading period but before the start of the second semester, the position will be filled by a self-nominated Class I boarding student of the same gender through a selection process conducted by the full Boarding Council, the results of which confirmed by a majority vote of the boarding student body.Should the vacancy occur after the start of the second semester, the position shall remain vacant for the remainder of the term.
- A co-day monitor will be replaced by a runner up of the previous election. The replacement candidate must be of a different gender than the remaining day monitor.
- A class councilor will be replaced by a student of the same Class in an election voted on by that Class. The replacement candidate must be of a different gender than the remaining class councilor.
- When any position listed in Article V. (Officers and Duties) is vacated due to reasons stated in Article IX: Discipline, or for any other reason, an election to fill the position must be held within 20 school days after the position is vacated. This election must be identical to the election originally held to fill the position (as outlined in Article V and Article VII).
X. Presence of Constitution
All copies ever ratified of the S.G.A constitution will be available in the school library. The most recently ratified S.G.A. constitution shall not only be available in the school library, but shall be printed in the Upper School Student Handbook, added to the Milton Academy website, and framed (with signatures) in the office of the dean of students. The appropriate excerpts shall be read at each election for officers, and Article II shall be read during the Book Signing Ceremony at the beginning of the school year.
XI. Ratification
The Constitution shall be reviewed during the first month of each academic year by the S.G.A. Council, the faculty advisors to the Council, and the dean of students.